Even in the old days, it was believed that from midnight on January 18 to midnight on January 19, water acquires medicinal properties. And it doesn't matter whether it was consecrated in a church or the priests sanctified it in an ice-hole. Consecrated water is stored for a year, without losing its properties and without spoiling.

You should not take too much Epiphany water. It will be enough to add a little Epiphany to a jar of ordinary tap water, as it all acquires healing properties. Epiphany water can be drunk, preferably on an empty stomach, you can sprinkle it on your home, wash your body.
It is advisable to store it in a glass jar in a secluded corner and treat it with respect. After you have drunk the water, you need to thank her for her help. Water does not like bad words and thoughts very much and is able to absorb them energetically, as it is a living structure. Saying good words to her, with prayer and gratitude, will increase her effectiveness.
To protect your property, you can sprinkle it with Epiphany water, and this can be done not only on January 19, but also on any other day. For example, you can sprinkle it on a car, garage, country house.
Girls who want to look more attractive can wash themselves with cold Epiphany water in the morning. It cleanses the skin and gives the face a healthy glow. With its help, you can make your body more beautiful.
With the help of Epiphany water, you can prepare a special "drink of youth", which will have a special healing power, strengthen health, increase immunity, and slow down the aging process. To do this, you need to put finely chopped carrots, beets and an apple in water and crush right in it so that the juice mixes with the liquid. Instead of these vegetables and fruits, you can take others according to your taste. The resulting drink should be drunk without straining or heating. It is recommended that you prepare a "drink of youth" every morning and drink it on an empty stomach to achieve the desired results.