Foresight is the ability to envision one of the most likely ways of realizing the future. Because the future is multivariate. Most people hope that anticipation will help them get unambiguous answers to questions regarding upcoming events. In fact, developing intuition makes it easier to make decisions in the present. It is by presenting the most probable future scenario that it is possible to reduce to a minimum the possible life mistakes that any person inevitably commits.

Step 1
First of all, to develop the ability of foresight, which is inherent in each of us to varying degrees, learn to avoid a logical approach when considering a specific situation. Logical thinking is an extremely useful skill that the average person is taught to use from early childhood. But in this case, he will dictate reasonable arguments, offer calculated solutions and will not allow you to notice the manifestation of intuition.
Step 2
Conduct your workouts in a place where no one will interfere with you. Find, feel such a state where you can listen to the prompts of the subconscious. For this, it is very useful to master the practice of complete relaxation, the ability to distract from any obsessive thoughts and states.
Step 3
Develop your imagination, listen to possible manifestations of your intuition in different versions, with different senses. For some, this will be the visualization of images, simply speaking, it is easier for you to see the pictures of the future. For others, it will be sounds. Each has its own characteristics of perception and recognition of the voice of intuition.
Step 4
Make your classes regular. Stop them as soon as you feel tired and unable to concentrate. Keep a diary of your activities. Celebrate successes and failures by looking at each attempt at anticipating the situation you are interested in as a percentage. By practicing in this way, you will learn to decipher the messages of the subconscious.