Stones have an inexplicable energy. People believed in this even in antiquity. The tradition of wearing amulets, amulets and talismans appeared a long time ago and is still relevant to this day. It is believed that stones help a person overcome difficulties and bring luck. How to choose the right amulet for yourself and what factors should be taken into account in this case?

You can choose a stone corresponding to the zodiacal constellation under which you were born. However, you can make almost any stone you like as your talisman. Here is the main condition: the energy of the mineral should not add confusion to your character. For example, it is better for modest and shy people to choose stones that will help them become more decisive, and a talisman that neutralizes impulsive impulses is suitable for powerful and strong personalities.
Family heirlooms, passed down from generation to generation, are powerful charms charged with the energy of the family. It is such jewelry that can protect you in difficult times. For example, a pendant that your great-grandmother received on her wedding day.
Jewelry presented by relatives and loved ones is also a strong amulet. Those whose sincere feelings you do not doubt. This gift becomes a connecting thread between the person who gave it to you and you. Over time, he will accumulate positive energy and begin to "work".
You can also buy a charm on your own, but in order for this thing to receive a charge of energy and become magical, you will have to work with it for a while: iron, talk, give a piece of yourself to the stone.
There are many cases when talismans warned their owners of an impending danger, suddenly changing their color or starting to suddenly cause inconvenience to a person. For example, the ring suddenly rubbed his finger, and the bracelet began to unfasten and fall off the wrist. If something similar began to happen with your amulet, then it is worth considering. It is likely that someone from your environment wishes you ill.