According to Feng Shui, a certain element corresponds to each side of the world. Plants can help maintain energy balance in your home. But they must be positioned so as to direct the energy in the right direction. Feng Shui will help determine which place to choose for a particular plant.

The element of fire corresponds to the southern part of the house in Feng Shui. This is the glory zone. Here you need to place plants that look like fire - with red flowers and pointed leaves, for example, palms. In general, it is undesirable to keep the holly representatives of the flora in the house, it is better to place them in the office. For the southern part of the living room, red geranium is suitable.
Southwest. The element of the earth. Zone of love. Here you just need to put a plant with round leaves and yellow flowers, it is categorically undesirable to keep cacti, palms, aloe here. Fatty ones are perfect.
West, the element is metal. Zone of children and everything that we create. This is the place for white flowers. Calla lilies can be placed here if this is not a bedroom. According to Feng Shui, gardenia, fuchsia, white orchid, etc. are also suitable.
Northwest, helper area. Also a good place for white. The peculiarity of this zone is that there must be single pillar-shaped objects. From plants, trees can be placed here in an unbranched trunk, for example, a palm tree, aloe or bamboo.
North. Career zone, element - water. The colors of this area are blue and black. responsibly, you can place plants with blue and black flowers. For example, cyclamen.
Northeast. The element of the earth. Education, training area. Flowers here should be yellow. You can also place dieffenbachia in the northeast, because it is believed to stimulate brain activity.
The East is a family zone. Green color, element - wood. In the eastern section of the apartment, in accordance with Feng Shui, you can place eucalyptus or ficus.
The southeast is a zone of money and wealth. The main color of this sector is green. Element - according to various sources - water or wood. Here you need to place plants with round fleshy leaves that look like coins. The "money tree" fruit-bearing orange is ideal. Cyclamens, begonias and violets also work in the southeast.
When choosing plants for your home, be guided by your intuition, the main thing is that you like them. An unloved flower, even if it is located in a favorable place, will not be beneficial, rather, on the contrary. And wherever the plants are, they must be healthy and well-groomed, dust-free and free of dried leaves.