Since ancient times, people have dreamed of knowing the future. Palmistry - reading by hand - is one of the most ancient occult sciences. By the shape of the hands, lines and signs on the palms, palmists determine the temperament, abilities, capabilities and achievements of a person in the future, present and past. What can divination by hand show?

Even with a simple examination of the hand, some conclusions can be drawn about a person's character. For example, cool and transparent skin will indicate a sensitive and sophisticated nature. Dense and rough - indicates straightness and inflexibility.
The owner of an outstretched palm is a suspicious and impressionable nature. A square and even palm is usually found in practical and pragmatic people.
People with long fingers tend to be stubborn and pedantic. To short and dense - energetic and somewhat superficial.
On the hand of any person, several main lines can be distinguished: the lines of the heart, mind and life. Through the line of the heart, you can get general information about the personality and emotional background of a person. As a rule, the line of the heart begins at the edge of the palm, under the little finger, and curving slightly, goes to the middle and index fingers.
A short and straight heart line speaks of emotional restraint. Long, ending between the middle and forefinger, indicates a tendency to compromise. In people prone to perfectionism, the heart line ends under the index finger. For egoists - under the average.
The line of the mind indicates how correctly a person disposes of his natural abilities. The line of the mind starts under the index finger. Long and clear - speaks of dedication and attention to detail. Weakly expressed - indicates a long mental idle time. If the line of the mind is straight and short, then its owner is not inclined to fantasies and prefers to trust logic.
The life line demonstrates a person's love for the world around him and himself. She can also talk about the physical condition of a person and his chronic diseases. However, it should be borne in mind that the length of this line does not directly speak of life expectancy - this is a common misconception.
The life line begins between the index and thumb. The closer it is to the thumb, the less vital energy a person has. The further - the more vitality and vitality. Breaks in the line may indicate a sharp change in views at a certain stage in life.
When fortune-telling by hand, it should be borne in mind that the main information is read from the leading, as a rule, the right hand. It is she who can tell about the actions, character and health of a person. The second, "secondary" hand, reflects the inner world of a person, his thoughts and intentions.
To get a complete picture, experienced palmists consider not only the main lines on the hand, but their intersections, the shape of the nails, fingers and bumps on the palms.