Why Do Rats Dream

Why Do Rats Dream
Why Do Rats Dream

Rats have always been associated in humans with sewage, infection and even cannibalism. For this reason, many immediately transfer a dreaming rat into the category of nightmares and begin to expect all kinds of trouble from life. But is the dream with rats so dark and how can it be interpreted in detail?

Why do rats dream
Why do rats dream

The negative meaning of sleeping with a rat

If you dreamed of a rat that cheekily runs around the apartment and you cannot catch it, know that someone is insincere towards you. Be attentive to your surroundings, try to be less gullible and naive, meanness can be expected even from your closest friends. A rat attacking and biting you absolutely means outright aggression towards you. The same is the meaning of sleep in which you are chasing one or a flock of rats.

Dreams in which a person sees rats almost always come true and, if interpreted correctly, can avoid danger.

A running, rustling and squeaking rat that remains out of your sight promises uncertainty and threat in reality (perhaps even a serious operation). Perhaps the sleeper often foresees trouble, or one of his ill-wishers is preparing a trap for him. Also, a rat can dream of deception - be vigilant. A black rat that eats something (cheese, crumbs, orange or nuts) portends family quarrels, conflicts and scandals. If you dreamed about a dead rat, expect plans to collapse or a worsening of the situation in your affairs. An unmarried girl who saw a big rat in a dream should take a closer look at her chosen one.

The positive meaning of sleep for the human soul

Rats usually dream of life changes and are often a warning that should not be ignored. A white rat or a rodent of an unusual color symbolizes an early acquaintance with a pretty woman or a handsome man. Also, a white rat can mean a certain person who pretends to be your friend in order to deceive you. A dream in which we move and crush a rat on a car and motorcycle is interpreted in a similar way.

Remember that appearances are often deceiving, so if such a dream comes true, it is important for you to get to know the person from his "shadow" side, so that you will not be deceived later.

If in a dream you kill a rat, in the near future you will be able to defeat your enemies and get out of the trouble safe and sound. A cat that catches and devours rats or mice in a dream personifies getting rid of problems with the help of outside forces that will provide you with help and support at the right time.

The dream book of Nostradamus claims that a rat in a dream means fastidiousness, intelligibility, luck and fertility. If you dreamed that you were eating rat meat, be sure that in reality you will be victorious over any danger. Did you see an empty rat trap in a dream? Slander and rivalry will bypass you, while the installation of a rat trap in a dream suggests that the intentions of your ill-wishers will become known to you.
