Drawing an object in motion is a little more difficult than drawing a static object. This requires minimal knowledge of anatomy, the ability to convey body parts in projection and movement. The drawing of a walking person is one of the simple drawings of a person in motion.

It is necessary
a sheet of paper, a pencil, an eraser, colored pencils or watercolors as desired
Step 1
Place the sheet of paper vertically. This arrangement is more suitable for a moving person. With a simple pencil, start sketching. First, draw a line that looks like a question mark with a pencil. Thus, you will designate the torso and the left, closest to us, leg. The width of the "question mark" is the thickness of a person's body. Decide already at this stage who you will draw - a man, a woman, a child.
Step 2
At the top of the "question mark" draw a small oval that resembles an egg - this will be the head of a walking person. Draw another line for the left leg. Draw in two lines the right leg, which is not visible to us. Pay attention to the line of the legs, it is arched. And the whole figure of a person when moving is tilted slightly forward.
Step 3
Now you can dress up your man, in the picture he is wearing a jacket. The left arm is bent at the elbow and tucked into a pocket, the right one "looks out" from behind the abdomen. Map out where your man's pants end and outline the shoes. From this "blank" you can create a person of any profession and age by finalizing the details characteristic of him.
Step 4
Draw a person's face (in this picture it is an aged man), a hairstyle or a headdress. Draw buttons, collar, pockets on the jacket (optional). Draw the right hand holding the cane. Mark the cane with a straight line, in the future you can work it out more precisely. Draw shoes, the design of which you can think of yourself as well. Erase the invisible and construction lines with the eraser. The drawing, or rather, the sketch of the person is ready. If you want, you can work it out in color. For light drawing, colored pencils or watercolors are more suitable. Clean up your work area after work.