During the period of annual movement, the sun each time stops in a special zodiacal constellation. People who watch the stars and people believe that each person has their own zodiac sign, which determines the type of personality and behavior, habits and even amulets for a person.

People born between June 22nd and July 22nd are called Cancers. Cancers belong to the water element. It is believed that those born under this constellation are characterized by such character traits as wisdom, strong inner energy, lack of a sense of self-interest and envy, a very touching attitude towards everything that happens. They are extremely vulnerable, and such people will remember offenses for a very long time.
Cancer is a sign of ambiguous feelings and emotions, often success gives way to failure, a constantly mixed storm of emotions accompanies such people.
In order for only luck to accompany Cancer's life, it is necessary to choose the right talisman suitable for such a zodiacal constellation.
Talismans are subdivided into groups consisting of:
- decorations;
- precious and semi-precious stones;
- souvenir products;
- decor for home comfort;
- plants;
- pets.
Color and flower for Cancers
Mascot plants include jasmine, white lily, and all flowers that have a white tint. They will symbolize the wisdom of Cancer and its inner purity. There are even colors that will protect Cancers. These include all light shades: white, light blue, silver, the color of blooming greenery. Such delicate shades emphasize belonging to the water element.
A figurine or image of crayfish or crabs will be an excellent souvenir.
Stones for Cancers
Of the jewelry, Cancers are most suitable for items with emeralds and rubies, as well as a moonstone. It is believed that emerald with a rich green hue can help the health of the eyes if eye diseases and fatigue disappear. Also, such an emerald talisman will help cement the lovers' union and protect them from envy and the evil eye of the people around them.
In the house, mirrors will serve as a talisman for Cancers: their surface reflects all adversity, resembling the waves of the sea in which the crayfish live.
It is recommended to wear a moonstone for Cancers born with a full moon, this stone has a medical effect. If you carry it with you, you can protect yourself from nervous strain and stress, get rid of edema, and this stone is also useful for people with respiratory diseases. In addition to medical effects, the moonstone endows its owner with eloquence, a deep thought process.