Girls often wonder how to conquer a man they like. They begin to especially carefully monitor their appearance, take an interest in the recommendations of psychologists, try to master the art of flirting. However, one should not forget that astrology plays an important role in the emergence of sympathy, and sometimes, in order to win your chosen one, you need to study his horoscope.

Step 1
Aries are conquerors by nature, so a girl, fascinated by the energy and charm of Aries, should in no case immediately surrender to the mercy of the winner. Only one who is not so easy to defeat can only really interest him. To please Aries, a girl must be a person who has her own opinion, circle of acquaintances and interests.
Step 2
Taurus is distinguished by solidity, sensuality and sentimentality. Taurus' chosen one should be a wonderful mistress, a skillful mistress and a worthy mother for future children. In addition, Taurus is distinguished by high aesthetic demands, so a girl should create a beautiful interior for him, find out his artistic tastes and musical preferences. In addition, patience must be shown with Taurus: it will take him time to decide to propose to his chosen one.
Step 3
Gemini prefer smart and sociable girls. In a woman they like, they want to find not only a beloved, but also a good friend who will be keenly interested in his affairs. In this case, you need to ensure that boredom does not creep into the relationship. A girl must constantly maintain a certain amount of mystery and come up with surprises for her beloved. Do not forget that Gemini is very jealous and will not tolerate even light flirting with another man.
Step 4
Cancer is a very emotional and at the same time conservative zodiac sign. Romantic by nature, he can be secretive and unpredictable. Cancers are sensitive, rarely forgive and do not forget anything. Therefore, a girl who wants to be close to Cancer should show tolerance, tenderness and care. Cancers love feminine and mysterious girls, but at the same time, Cancer's companion must be strong and decisive, since she often will have to make decisions for two.
Step 5
In order to conquer Leo, a girl must cause universal envy and admiration, but at the same time always be ready to concede the palm to her chosen one. Leo just needs to know that everyone dreams of his companion, but she prefers him. At the same time, the girl should constantly admire Leo and in no case criticize him.
Step 6
Virgos are that rare type of men for whom quality is important in love, not quantity. Therefore, the Virgo man makes very high demands on his chosen one. To please him, a girl must be smart, versatile and at the same time patient and emotionally restrained. Perhaps at the beginning of dating, you should become a good friend to him and wait for the moment when he notices the attractiveness of the girl.
Step 7
Libras are generally beautiful, charming, intelligent, and aristocratic. To please a man born under this sign, a girl must read his favorite books, get acquainted with the work of his favorite actors, artists and musicians. At the same time, you do not need to seek your chosen one too clearly: Libra wants to be hunters, not game.
Step 8
Scorpios prefer strong yet sexually attractive women. Most of all, they value loyalty, dedication and intelligence, so you need to communicate with Scorpio as much as possible, not being afraid to defend your point of view. At the same time, do not forget that Scorpios are jealous and vindictive, so you do not need to give them another reason for suspicion.
Step 9
In order to conquer Sagittarius, you should give him the opportunity to think that the initiative comes from him. The girl should appear as often as possible in the same company with Sagittarius, share his interests, gradually becoming necessary for him. Also, remember that Sagittarius prefer energetic, bold and even cocky women.
Step 10
For Capricorn in a relationship, reliability and support are important, first of all, his feelings are always subject to reason. A Capricorn man is attracted to calm and friendly girls. It is useless to try to re-educate him, you need to find out what he wants to see the prospective companion of life, and try to match the desired image.
Step 11
Having decided to link your fate with Aquarius, you should forget about jealousy and learn to accept him as he is. Aquarians are fickle and unpredictable, above all they value their freedom. To conquer an Aquarius, you need to appear cool and dispassionate at first. In no case should he think that someone can encroach on his freedom. To attract the attention of Aquarius, a girl must do something extraordinary, perhaps even dye her hair green. Aquarians are curious and will never part with a woman until they solve her riddle.
Step 12
To please a Pisces man, you need to learn to listen carefully, looking at your chosen one with loving eyes. The life partner of Pisces should be strong, reliable and loving, since in everyday affairs Pisces is distinguished by extreme impracticality. At the same time, she should not be too domineering and harsh - this can scare off a gentle and sensitive Fish.