How To Make Egg Crafts?

How To Make Egg Crafts?
How To Make Egg Crafts?

Many different crafts can be made from eggshells. There is no doubt that children will really like making funny animals, clowns and smeshariki and other funny characters, beloved by many kids, from eggs.

How to make egg crafts?
How to make egg crafts?

Preparation of materials

Before proceeding directly to the creative process itself, you first need to prepare the eggshell. To do this, you will need:

- a raw egg;

- darning needle or awl;

- a syringe with a needle.

Gently pierce the egg on one side with a darning needle. Then make a slightly larger hole on the other side. Now start blowing out the contents of the egg so that it spills out through the large hole. To avoid getting dirty, place a small cup or saucer under the egg. You may not be able to do it at first, but with some practice it will be much easier to free the eggs from the contents.

When you have freed the egg white and yolk, draw clean water into the syringe and pour it into the shell. Shake the egg to thoroughly rinse the inside and pour out the water. Now put the shells in a warm place to dry. It will take several hours for the egg to dry. During this time, you will have time to prepare the materials necessary for further work:

- gouache;

- watercolor paints;

- nail polish of various colors;

- Knitting;

- colored paper;

- pieces of fabric;

- markers;

- scissors;

- scotch tape;

- PVA glue.

When the shell is dry, you can get to work. Eggshells are a great material for creativity. From it you can make toys for the puppet theater, Christmas tree decorations, souvenirs and many other interesting crafts. Here are just a few options.

Cheerful clown

Draw on the shell the face of a cheerful clown: eyes, nose, smile, blush. Glue the cap onto your head from paper. Cut the threads 5-7 cm long. Tie them into a bundle and glue them with tape or glue on the head of the future clown. Put a paper cap on the clown.

Cut a circle out of paper and make a collar out of it. Attach it to the bottom. Place the craft on a paper cylinder to act as your torso. Your clown is ready.

Elephant and other toys

In a similar way, you can make an elephant, for which you will first need to paint the shell gray (or any other) color.

Use colored nail polish to help the paint last longer. Or paint the egg first and then fix the color with clear varnish.

For an elephant, you will need to cut two ears out of paper, a trunk. Glue them onto the shell. Draw the elephant's face and legs.

In the same way, you can make a hare, chicken, pig. Just before that, do not forget to pre-paint the shell in a color suitable for the future toy.

Glue the wings and feather tail to the egg, you get a bird. Paint with red and black paint, make black dots and glue the antennae - and a ladybug is ready, which will only have to be planted on a green leaf.

If you decide to make a Christmas tree decoration out of the shell, first glue the thread so that the toy can be hung on the tree.

When creating any toy, the main thing is to take time for creativity and show your imagination.
