Zodiac Sign - Virgo

Zodiac Sign - Virgo
Zodiac Sign - Virgo

Two planets of the zodiacal circle - Venus and Mercury took two signs under protection: Venus vigilantly watches Taurus and Libra, Mercury - Gemini and Virgo. The last one - most carefully. But not because people born under this sign cause a lot of trouble - quite the opposite. But this is how the world works: to Virgos, Mercury is much stricter.

The careers of those born under the zodiac sign Virgo are often slow to build
The careers of those born under the zodiac sign Virgo are often slow to build

As a child, Virgos are distinguished by good obedience. These are little pedants, sacredly respecting the rules - be it the rules of the game or the rules established at home. The kids of the sign, like anyone else, need a clearly drawn up and strictly observed daily routine. Any deviation from the schedule can put the Virgo child out of action, to the point that he will feel tired, overwhelmed and may even get sick.

At school age, Virgo children prefer to be among adults, spend a lot of time alone, know how to occupy themselves with games, but Virgo's favorite leisure is reading. The priority is books about travel, scientific discoveries, informative literature. This does not mean that the zodiac has deprived the sign of friends. There are not many of them, but they are.

Virgo teenagers choose something close to the exact sciences or natural science for their hobbies. No sign of the zodiac has shown the world as many chemists and biologists as this one. The makings of a future profession in Virgo are revealed even in adolescence.

The careers of those born under the Virgo zodiac sign are often slow to build. They do not know how to be hypocritical, profitable, intrigue. They will never go over their heads. Therefore, they work hard, waiting for their "happy hour". Sometimes this hour comes quite early - at the age of 25-30. Sometimes it doesn't come at all. But this does not mean that the representatives of the sign will suffer from the fact that the bosses do not notice them - even as he notes, realizing that without such enthusiastic and devoted employees, it will be hard. Therefore, he does not want to let go of himself, especially to another career stage.
