How To Draw A Leaf

How To Draw A Leaf
How To Draw A Leaf

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Each individual type of tree differs from another type in silhouette, trunk shape, bark structure, crown color, and most importantly - in the shape of the leaves. For example, it is simply impossible to confuse a birch leaf and a maple leaf, an oak leaf and an apple tree leaf. There is a great variety of tree species around the world. The variety of forms of their leaves is just as great. It is not so difficult to draw a single leaf of a tree.

The leaves of different plants are always different from each other
The leaves of different plants are always different from each other


Step 1

A birch leaf should begin to draw with an image of a teardrop-shaped figure. Next, the edges of the sheet should be serrated using small triangular lines. Inside the sheet, you need to draw small thin veins and add a stalk.

How to draw a leaf
How to draw a leaf

Step 2

The maple leaf has a very unusual and interesting shape. It should start drawing with an image of a circle, with a part of a triangular shape missing at the bottom. Inside the resulting shape, you need to draw 5 straight lines directed in different directions. From the junction of these lines downward, you need to draw another line (leaf stalk). Further, around each of the five lines, you need to draw figures sticking out in different directions, outwardly resembling the outlines of houses. Around the bottom two stripes, draw smooth triangular lines connected at the base of the cutting. Now the outline of the maple leaf should be jagged, and veins inside the leaf should be drawn.

How to draw a leaf
How to draw a leaf

Step 3

The oak leaf also has a very interesting shape. It is not difficult to draw an oak leaf. First you need to draw an oval on paper with a slightly elongated bottom. Then, wavy lines should show the unusual shape of the oak leaf. At the bottom of the resulting shape, you need to draw a short handle. Next, you need to draw veins on the sheet plate.

How to draw a leaf
How to draw a leaf

Step 4

Drawing a linden leaf will also not be difficult. The base of a linden leaf is a shape that resembles a heart. So on paper, first of all, you should draw just such a figure. Next, the sheet should be serrated and a handle should be drawn to it. It remains to draw thin veins inside the sheet. The linden leaf is ready.

How to draw a leaf
How to draw a leaf

Step 5

The strawberry leaf consists of three small leaves. In order to draw it, first, you need to draw 2 intersecting perpendicular lines (cross) on paper. The top three lines should be the same, the bottom line should be slightly longer than the others, then draw three ovals connected to each other. The three originally drawn line segments should be their midlines, and the three resulting leaves should now be jagged using triangular lines. Then you need to finish drawing the stalk and veins to the sheet.

How to draw a leaf
How to draw a leaf

Step 6

The rowan leaf, like the strawberry leaf, consists of several leaves. First you need to draw the main long line. From it you should draw a pair of medium-length segments directed in opposite directions. Now you need to draw oblong leaves with small teeth along the edge. The stretches from the main stem should serve as midlines to the leaves. The lower part of the main line should be turned into a leaf stalk. The final stage of drawing a rowan leaf is the image of veins on it.
