How To Make A Flower From Candy With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Flower From Candy With Your Own Hands
How To Make A Flower From Candy With Your Own Hands

Giving candy bouquets has recently become very fashionable. Such a gift is not only beautiful, but also delicious and unusual. To collect a good bouquet, you need to learn how to make a flower from candies with your own hands.

make a flower from candies with your own hands
make a flower from candies with your own hands


Step 1

The most popular flower for a bouquet is, of course, a rose. However, other flowers will look no less beautiful: daisies, gerberas, chrysanthemums.

Step 2

To make a flower from candy, take sweets, preferably in a round or truffle shape. Prepare colored cardboard, corrugated paper, glue, scissors, wooden sticks, threads.

Step 3

Chamomile from sweets

To make a chamomile, take a piece of candy and wrap it in a square of soft yellow paper. Corrugated paper, gold foil, and cellophane are also suitable. wrap the truffle candy and twirl at the top. Insert a stick into it, tighten with a thread.

Cut the white paper petals to the size you want. You may need 20 to 50 petals. Glue them to the base of the truffle in a circle, leaving no gaps. Make 2-3 layers of petals, gently straighten them.

Wrap the stem of the flower in green corrugated paper, glue the previously prepared carved leaves to it.

Step 4

Chrysanthemum candy

You can make a chrysanthemum flower from sweets in the same way as a chamomile. To do this, you need a little shorter petals. The difference is that the truffle has to be turned upside down. Glue the first rad of petals vertically, the second at an angle of 45 degrees in relation to the first, the third and fourth at 90 degrees. Make a stem like a chamomile and glue the leaves to it.

Step 5

Gerber candy

Gerber made of sweets in its structure is not much different from chamomile. However, its petals are harder and velvety, so stronger velvet paper should be used for its manufacture. It is desirable that it be double-sided. If you can't find this one, you can always get out of the situation - glue plain paper of the same or similar color to the wrong side.

The wrap for the core of the gerbera flower, made by hand, needs a brown color. The technology for attaching the petals is exactly the same as in the manufacture of chamomile. According to the description of the previous flowers from the candies, make a stem and leaves.

Step 6

Making a flower from candy with your own hands is quite easy. Having done a few crafts, you can make a wonderful bouquet and please the person being gifted.
