Dolina Maria Ivanovna - famous opera singer, theater actress in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. She performed on large stages not only in Russian, but also in foreign cities. For her outstanding services she received the title of "Soloist of the court of His Imperial Majesty."

Dolina Maria Ivanovna was born on April 13, 1868 in St. Petersburg in the family of army captain Ivan Dolin. She studied at a German school at the Lutheran Church, and then at the Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium in Tsarskoe Selo. After receiving her education, in 1883, Maria entered the music courses of Evgeny Pavlovich Raphof, in the class of Goering-Wilde. She immediately attracted the attention of teachers with her outstanding voice - she sang contralto. Having successfully completed the courses, in 1886 Maria Ivanovna made her debut at the Mariinsky Theater with great success. In addition to performing on stage, Maria Ivanovna Dolina worked as a teacher and gave private vocal lessons in St. Petersburg.

In addition to Raphof's courses, the singer also improved herself in vocal art with the Italian opera singer Carolina Ferni-Giraldoni, with the famous Russian teacher Yuri Karlovich Arnold, with the outstanding Italian composer Arcangelo Corelli.
Maria Ivanovna Dolina was highly respected among her contemporaries. She was distinguished not only by her talent, but also by her big and kind heart - Maria annually held charity concerts in her hometown. The concerts were a great success and were famous for their artistic interest.
Career and creativity
Maria Ivanovna Dolina was the owner of a voice of the rarest beauty and richness. Contralto is the lowest and least common female voice. According to contemporaries, her voice was characterized by a warm soft timbre with a rich lower register and a light upper register. After completing her music courses, she was immediately invited to the Mariinsky Theater to sing in the role of Vanya. She immediately became a favorite of the audience, and the audience liked the role so much that Maria performed in it more than 100 times. The valley sang in a large number of operas, in particular, in the roles in the Snow Maiden, the Enemy Force and others.

After her triumph at the Mariinsky Theater, she began giving concerts in other Russian cities, as well as abroad. Abroad, she promoted Russian music and had great success. She performed in Paris, Germany, Czech Republic, France. In 1902 she made a big tour from the Balkan Peninsula to Paris.
In 1901, Maria Ivanovna Dolina received a high state award, which was awarded to the best of the best, she received the title of "Soloist of the court of His Imperial Majesty."
From 1904 to 1906, the singer was the artistic director of concerts at the Pavlovsky Music Station.

Maria Dolina made a huge contribution to the development of opera and Russian culture in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. She was an outstanding singer and actress at the time. The valley was very famous, she was loved and respected by the people and colleagues in the theater.
The singer's personal life did not go well, the Valley did not have a family and children. Maria Ivanovna died in St. Petersburg in 1919 at the age of 53.