Patrick Swayze: Biography, Career, Personal Life

Patrick Swayze: Biography, Career, Personal Life
Patrick Swayze: Biography, Career, Personal Life

He is a talented dancer, a sincere actor and a loving husband. Films with his participation so sink into the soul that you want to watch them again and again. He could have given us even more of his creativity, but, unfortunately, an insidious illness stopped his life.

Patrick Swayze: biography, career, personal life
Patrick Swayze: biography, career, personal life

This incredibly talented actor was born in Houston, Texas on August 18, 1952.

The boy's father was a simple engineer, and his mother was an excellent choreographer, who owned a large ballet school. As for the genus, there was a real mixture of English and Irish blood.

This family differed from the rest also in the number of children, and there were five of them in Swayze's house. In addition to Patrick, two more boys were growing up - his younger brothers Don and Sean Kyle, sister Vicky Lynn, and also adopted baby Bambi. Children never quarreled and were friendly, without causing trouble for their busy parents.



Patrick grew up a modest and assiduous boy, tried not to get involved in trouble and be closer to his mother. Because of this trait of his character, he often became the subject of ridicule and ridicule by his peers.

To grow up, he decided to enroll in a martial arts school. There he showed himself, earning a black belt. Now on the streets he could easily fight back, for which the guys began to sincerely respect him.

In addition to fights, the boy was fond of music, football, was seriously engaged in dancing and swimming. His mother helped him a lot in dancing. Thanks to her mentorship and support, Patrick was able to complete his studies at two ballet schools: Joffrey and Harkness.

Unlike them, he never graduated from college, exchanging it for the opportunity to take part in the Disney Parade.

Soon the young man is invited to a dance project, to the Broadway musical "Diamond", where he shows his abilities in the field of dance. After evaluating his talent, the young man is invited to become a leading dancer in the Elliot Feld Dance Company.

But his dancing career ends abruptly. The culprit is an injury from playing football.


From dancer to actor

At first, the future actor endured the pain that he had to feel during the dance, and later the doctors categorically forbade him to go on stage as a dancer. Gray days began, and Swayze almost slipped into depression.

The mother helped, who invited her son to try himself in an acting career. He agreed and began to study acting.

In 1979, Patrick moved to Los Angeles, where he began an independent life without parental care. Money is sorely lacking for life. He does not disdain any work and masters professions one after another.

He works as a shop assistant, carpenter, trying to create his own construction company. He manages to get on the shooting of an advertisement, where he is noticed by the director and invites him to a cameo role in the film "Skatetown".

The guy, with his unusual charisma and inextinguishable energy, makes the people around him fall in love with him. They are beginning to be genuinely interested in and invite them to the series: "Renegades", "Bible", "MESh", "North and South".


1982 for Patrick becomes a turning point - his father dies. Cope with such a loss was too much for Swayze, and he finds comfort in drinking. In order not to finally slide into the pit, he plunges into Buddhism, yoga and meditation.

Fighting his anguish, he simultaneously starred in the films "Outcast" and "Red Dawn", and in 1986 the film "Young Blood" was released.

In 1987, the actor was invited to shoot the film "Dirty Dancing", after which he wakes up famous. The main role in the film brings him not only an excellent fee, but also a huge success.

For his role, he receives a Golden Globe Award for Best Actor, and the film pays off to producers and earns $ 170 million. And this is only from the first show.

After such a tremendous success, pictures with his participation begin to appear annually: "Steel Dawn" (1987), "Worsow, nicknamed the Tiger" (1988), "House on the Road" (1989), "Closest Relatives" (1989).

He receives his second award, the Saturn Award, for Best Actor in The Ghost, in which he co-stars with Demi Moore. After this film, Patrick Swayze is recognized as a Hollywood movie star.


Continuing his acting career are stunning films that have become very popular: "On the Crest of a Wave" (1991), "City of Pleasure" (1992), "Desperate Dad" (1993), "Wong Fu, Thanks for Everything. Julie Newmore "(1995)," Three Wishes "(1995)," Legends of the Wild West "(1995)," Black Dog "(1998)," Letters from a Killer "(1998)," Donnie Darko "(2001).

Patrick Swayze was not only an actor, but also an excellent stuntman. The actor performed all his stunts that were used for films on his own. Of course, it was not without injuries.

Once on set, he was doing a trick on a horse, but something went wrong and he fell out of the saddle. The result was a fracture of both legs.

Since then, he was imbued with a great love for horses and began to breed them. He even took part in desert races in the United Arab Emirates, where he received not only an award, but also the recognition of local horsemen for having strength and endurance.

His last film projects were: "Dirty Dancing - 2: Hawaiian Nights" - where he played a dance teacher, "King Solomon's Mines" (2004), "Be quiet in a rag" (2005), "The Beast" (2009).


Patrick has received three Golden Globe nominations for his excellent, sincere acting performance. Unfortunately, they did not manage to present him with the Oscar.

In addition to his acting career, he was fond of music, composing and performing his songs. At one time they even became hits: "Time of my life", "She is like the wind", "Raising heaven".

At 45, the actor received his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Personal life

When he turned 18, he fell in love with a girl named Lisa Niemi. At that time, the girl was 15 years old. He met her at his mother's ballet school and realized that it was love at first sight.

Lisa was modest, but stood out for her beauty and intelligence. In his first acquaintance, he decided to attract her attention and pinched, for which he received a slap in the face.

Three years later, Patrick and Lisa got married. They lived a happy family life - 35 years, but without children. After two miscarriages, Lisa never managed to get pregnant.

Despite this, Patrick still continued to adore his wife, considering her the wisest woman in the world.

In 2000, the actor nearly died in a plane crash when he flew from Los Angeles to his ranch on his own plane. Fortunately, he managed to land the plane and not get hurt.


The last years of his life he was very often ill, and at the age of 55 he learned that he had pancreatic cancer.

Patrick did not want to die and fought with all his might for life, sincerely believing in the treatment that doctors prescribed to him. He loved life and his work so much that even despite severe pains, he continued to act in films and write memoirs.

So his latest films "Oxide" and "The Beast" (TV series) were released.

In 2008, the documentary The Whole Truth About Patrick Swayze was filmed about the actor.

In 2009, he was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia. In addition to the disease, doctors find he has liver metastases.

After being discharged from the hospital, Patrick, realizing that he had very little left, again led his beloved wife to the altar, and in order to impress her, he came to the ceremony on a white horse.

On September 14, 2009, he died in Los Angeles at the age of 57.

His grave does not exist, since Swayze bequeathed to cremate his body and scatter the ashes over his beloved ranch in New Mexico. The wife complied with the last request of her husband.

In 2011, at Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum, his figure from the movie "Dirty Dancing" was unveiled, where he balances on a log. This is not the only figure. There is one more, made on the basis of the movie "Bringing".

Unfortunately, we will no longer be able to see new films with this sincere person, who was not just a wonderful actor, a talented dancer, but also a unique, charismatic personality. But, thanks to the films that have been preserved in his memory, he will always live in our hearts!
