Taurus Talismans

Taurus Talismans
Taurus Talismans

Taurus is a very reliable and friendly zodiac sign. The talismans for this sign are similar to it. They are simple, beautiful, functional and straightforward. After all, this is what makes Taurus stand out.

Taurus talismans
Taurus talismans

Lucky stone for Taurus

Turquoise is the most suitable stone for Taurus. Turquoise will support him in all matters; for better interaction with this stone, it is important to observe moral commandments, since turquoise does not like evil and malicious people. Otherwise, it is an ideal talisman stone. Of course, jewelry with turquoise can act as a talisman, but it is very important that it touches open skin. This will allow you to maintain contact with the talisman even in a difficult situation. Accordingly, if you buy a ring with turquoise, make sure that the frame of the stone is not solid.

Turquoise works as a health indicator. A darkened stone directly speaks of an incipient disease. This property of turquoise is natural, natural. The fact is that this stone does not tolerate high humidity, heating and contact with vegetable oils. But the body of a sick person changes its temperature and becomes more humid, which is what turquoise "feels". For Taurus, prone to rare, but lingering flu and colds, such a change in the appearance of turquoise will help to reach the doctor in time. It is much easier to cure a "sick" turquoise - it is enough to wrap it in a piece of raw meat.

When choosing a turquoise jewelry, pay attention to the quality of the stone. Currently, many imitations of this stone can be found on sale.

In addition to its diagnostic properties, turquoise contributes to the development of intuition and creative power. This is very important for "thick-skinned" Taurus, for whom this area of human life often remains a mystery.

The elephant is the best talisman

Another good talisman for Taurus can be the image of an elephant. It can be a piece of jewelry made of the same turquoise, a soft toy, a figurine made of stone, wood or bronze. You need to communicate with such an elephant. Whisper your wish to him in private, leave it overnight, then return to its usual place. Such a ritual will help to conduct complex negotiations and important meetings well, win a competition or successfully pass an exam.

The elephant must not be ivory.

The elephant in any form adds wisdom and tranquility to its owner, besides, it contributes to the accumulation of wealth, which is very important for down-to-earth Taurus. The peculiarity of the elephant mascot is that it can calm the owner when he is furious, add sanity to difficult moments.

For Taurus, a casket or a casket in which you can store a variety of cute little things can be a good talisman. The thing is that Taurus is excellent at saving and multiplying wealth and benefits. Carved wooden caskets, copper caskets, decorated with stones - this is the ideal (and such a utilitarian) talisman for this earthly sign of the zodiac.
