Gems can not only be worn as jewelry, but also used as talismans. However, a certain rock is suitable for each sign of the zodiac, so it is worthwhile to study well which talisman with which stone is most suitable for you.

A talisman is an object that protects its owner, brings him good luck and scares off troubles. The talisman must be chosen very carefully, and, moreover, it will not work in the hands of others, but will turn into a simple, completely useless trinket.
How to make a talisman?
Specialists in the field of magic claim that the best talisman is the one that was created by yourself. At this time, the owner is already performing a kind of magical ritual, creating a thing and investing energy and love into it. But the ritual does not end there, you also need to charge the talisman, and for this you need to constantly stroke it, talk to it and put it under your pillow overnight.
It can be noted that a randomly selected item cannot be a talisman. This should be the thing to which the eye is simply attracted like a magnet. As a talisman, any rocks are most often used, but they must necessarily correspond to the sign of the zodiac.
Talismans for Aries
This sign of the zodiac refers to the fire element. People born under this zodiac sign can use the following stones as a talisman: sapphire, amethyst, ruby and diamond.
The talisman absorbs emotional pain, so the diamond will protect its owner from anger and outbursts of rage, and the sapphire will give prudence and wisdom to Aries.
Talismans for Taurus
This zodiac sign is the most mundane sign and corresponds to the elements of the Earth. The symbol for Taurus is wealth, prudence and wisdom. Chalcedony, chrysoprase and emerald stones are most suitable for such people. The chrysoprase stone will add decisiveness, and the emerald will help to achieve the goal. A talisman with a chalcedony stone will help to restore mental strength.
Talismans for Gemini
For this zodiac sign, talisman stones are: alexandrite, topaz, beryl. Gemini will be protected from the evil eye by topaz, which will also protect against diseases. Talismans with beryl will help support the family hearth and enable the owner to achieve his goal.
Talismans for Cancers
Stones such as emerald, moonstone and pearls correspond to this water sign of the zodiac.
Emeralds will make Cancers more sociable, pearls will attract good luck and protect you from trouble.
Talismans for Lviv
Amber, chrysolite and topaz are the real talismans of Lviv. Topaz will become a reliable protection against ill-wishers, will attract money, and chrysolite will help Leo gain popularity with the public.
Talismans for Virgo
The talismans of this zodiac sign are: chrysolite, jasper and jade. Jasper will allow you to maintain love and friendship even at a great distance, and chrysolite will increase learning and enhance the ability to learn.
Talismans for Libra
The mascot stones of this air sign are: lapis lazuli, aquamarine, opal and tourmaline. Aquamarine will help attract love, and lapis lazuli will soften all the weaknesses of the owner.
Talismans for Scorpions
Scorpions can use aquamarine, black opal, and pomegranate as talismans. Aquamarine will help cool passions and strengthen the nervous system. Black opal will help the wearer maintain emotional balance.
Talismans for Sagittarius
The mascot stones for Sagittarius are: chrysolite, topaz and turquoise. Chrysolite will save you from rash actions of its owner, and turquoise will help to win recognition from others.
Talismans for Capricorn
Malachite, onyx and ruby are the stones of Capricorn. Onyx will help improve memory, and the ruby will attract love and good luck into the life of its owner.
Talismans for Aquarius
As a talisman for this zodiac sign, zircon and amethyst stones are suitable. Amethyst will help protect against negative influences from others, and zircon will attract good luck.
Talismans for Pisces
Fish are quite sensitive natures, for them the most characteristic stones are aquamarine, pearls and amethyst. Aquamarine will give courage, and pearls will attract good luck.