Under the zodiac sign Aries, sincere, honest and strong people are born who are not shy about their opinion and are not afraid of the reaction of others to their behavior. This sign tends to show your feelings and emotions, which attracts attention. Aries do not like to live in the past, trying to completely dissolve in the present day in anticipation of surprises and gifts of fate.
Aries stones are bright, sunny and penetrating or, conversely, calm but powerful.

Step 1
It is a stone of victory and strength that suits Aries. Diamond gives the representatives of this sign strength and good luck for further victories, enhances assertiveness and determination in unrealized plans. In addition, the diamond is a protector for Aries, protecting him from strong outbursts of aggression, helping him to quickly change his negative attitude towards life situations to positive or neutral ones.
Step 2
Unlike diamond, this stone has a calming character for Aries, relieving negative stress from its owner. Amethyst protects the representatives of this sign from hasty decisions and helps to take control of their emotions.
This stone is preferably worn in silver. Then he will contribute to the creation of friendly contacts in both personal and business spheres, which will significantly raise Aries in the eyes of society.
Step 3
This stone is aimed at enhancing the strengths and positive aspects of Aries. He makes the representative of this zodiac sign more positive, purposeful and benevolent, helping to understand other people, feel their emotions and feelings.