Vitas got married at a very early age. To this day, the singer lives next to his first and only wife. Together, the lovers are raising two children together.

The popular singer Vitas did not say anything about his wife for many years. It was only known that with his chosen one Svetlana, the young man had been living together from early youth. In addition, the performer literally stole her from her parents.
Acquaintance with a schoolgirl
Few people know that the real name of the singer Vitas is Vitaly Grachev. The young man's path to fame was not easy. For this he had to work hard. Today, the singer does not hide that it was his chosen one Svetlana who helped him to become truly popular. In the most difficult times, the girl was always next to her beloved. She supported the chosen one morally, was ready to follow him into fire and water, endured any hardships. When it was necessary, Sveta alone replaced the entire creative team of Vitas. She made up her beloved, sewed concert costumes for him, and organized performances. It is not surprising that the couple still live together. All the difficulties that Vitaly and Svetlana faced in life only strengthened their union.

From adolescence, Vitas did not think too much about love relationships. The singer's main interest was his creative career. But love itself found a young man. Once in Odessa, the future star singer performed on the stage of the theater. Young Svetlana Grankovskaya also came to that performance. The girl at the time of meeting her future spouse was only 15 years old.
When Vitaly saw Svetlana, something turned over in his soul. Later, Grachev said that the earth had literally gone from under his feet. The young man stopped seeing anything around him and only frantically pondered how he could get to know the fair-haired beauty and not lose sight of her. To Vitaly's delight, he met the young lady he liked backstage. Vitas immediately approached the girl and literally "dumped" everything that he felt at that moment on her. The young man admitted that he fell in love at first sight. At first, the 15-year-old girl was taken aback by this pressure, but then she replied that she also did not mind meeting her.

On the same evening, the young people went on a date. They walked all over Odessa for a long time and could not part. Already at that moment, Vitas realized that he had met a girl with whom he was ready to connect his whole life. True, the couple had one problem - young Svetlana lived in Odessa, and 19-year-old Vitaly came there only on tour. Soon he had to go back to Moscow. The young man knew that he would no longer be able to leave alone, so he decided to do everything possible to take Sveta with him. Then he did not think about her age, or about any possible difficulties in the future.
Joint escape
First of all, Vitas decided to take a serious step. Soon after meeting Sveta, the young man went to her parents' house. This especially captivated the girl herself and demonstrated the seriousness of the intentions of the new friend.
Of course, the Grankovskaya family did not take the newly-made groom seriously. But in vain. In general, the schoolgirl's parents received Vitaly quite warmly, but said that now the girl needs to think about her studies, and not about relationships. Then Vitas joked that he would steal Sveta. As a result, her ace was allowed to go for a walk with Grachev. But the girl did not return home. Several hours of the supposed walk turned into years. Vitaly took his beloved to Moscow.

From the capital, the prodigal daughter sent a letter to her parents that she really fell in love with the guy and would never return home, but remained to live with him. It is still unknown how Svetlana's family reacted to the incident, and whether the relatives tried to find the girl. Later, Vitaly himself told reporters that he realized the absurdity of his act only when he himself became a father. Today he is very ashamed in front of his father-in-law.
Family life
As soon as Svetlana turned 18, the lovers immediately got married. True, then the already popular Vitas did not tell anyone about this. There are two reasons for the singer's secrecy at once. Firstly, later Vitaly admitted that he was ashamed of such a young age of his chosen one and wanted to delay as much as possible the moment of an avalanche of questions about her from journalists. Secondly, colleagues suggested to the performer that a lonely famous young man has a better chance of becoming popular. Fans should think that their idol is not in love with anyone and they have a chance to take a place next to them.

In 2008, the couple had their first child. It was Alla's daughter. In 2014, a son, Maxim, was also born in the family. Today Svetlana does not work anywhere, but completely devotes herself to her family. The girl is independently engaged in raising children, and also receives an education. For a long time she could not do it either because of financial problems, or because of lack of free time. Vitas is no longer so popular among listeners today, but he still continues to give concerts throughout Russia and work at corporate parties.