Fresco is a very old but still popular art form. Modern finishing materials imitate painting on raw plaster; you can purchase a ready-made panel or special wallpaper with a pattern. But your work will be completely individual, you will have something to be proud of, showing your own fresco to guests.

It is necessary
- - plaster;
- - brushes;
- - artistic acrylic paints;
- - varnish or wax.
Step 1
There are a lot of painting styles, you don't have to be Michelangelo to paint a still life on the kitchen wall. Practice drawing individual objects and combining them into compositions on the wall before renovation. Select the drawing that you want to see in the interior of the room. It is not at all necessary to complete the ornament exactly, then you will get an exclusive fresco.
Step 2
The classic method of painting on wet plaster is very difficult, mistakes and corrections should not be allowed here. The drawing must be applied quickly enough, within six to nine hours, until the plaster has dried. If you have a large coverage area, you will have to apply material and fresco in parts.
Step 3
Before purchasing plaster and paints, consult with the shop assistants, explain what purpose you need the materials for. They will advise you on the means to make your work easier.
Step 4
The wall on which you are going to practice drawing frescoes, clean from old finishing materials to the base. Smooth the surface with any cement-based, sand-based plaster and binders to avoid cracking.
Step 5
Apply a good quality primer to ensure good adhesion of the layers. Think about the background shade before proceeding further. You can make it colored by adding color to the mix. After the primer is dry, place the plaster you were advised to buy (you can use Ceresit CT 35). Level the surface carefully.
Step 6
When your coatings are dry, draw your chosen painting on the wall with a simple pencil. Do not be afraid to create and experiment with shapes and colors, it is possible that your works (clumsy and primitive in your opinion) will cause the sincere delight of others. Try using the graffiti technique.
Step 7
Use water-based artistic acrylic paint. Protect your drawing with varnish or wax.