Horn, translated from German means "horn". This musical instrument is the founder of all modern brass instruments. It has the simplest structure, is made in the form of the Latin letter U and differs from the pipe in that the barrel bore in the forge is shorter and wider, and the mouthpiece is shaped like a bowl.

Step 1
From a horn, as from an instrument, you can extract only one note in one version. This is due to the fact that in the horn, unlike, for example, the trumpet, there is no special valve mechanism that can change the sounds produced by the instrument by 0.5 - 1 - 1.5 tones, which significantly limits the possibilities of playing it. The possibilities of playing the horn are limited to the reproduction of notes of only the natural scale, which significantly limits the capabilities of the instrument.
Step 2
The small performing capabilities of the bugle are compensated by the ease of playing it. In order to play this musical instrument, you only need a few training sessions. The main task of the student is to breathe in as much air as possible with his chest and blow harder.
Step 3
Start learning the game by mastering the correct position of the tongue and lips. Do gymnastics, practice breathing with your chest, not stomach. Then fold your lips into a tube, and your tongue - "boat", pressing it to the lower teeth. Take a breath and blow hard into the bugle. Don't puff up your cheeks. The air must "go" from the lungs. If the sound is interrupted, you have made a mistake. Repeat the exercise, varying the strength of the exhalation.
Step 4
The pitch of this musical instrument can be varied using the ear cushions - i.e. a certain position of the lips, and the tension in a special way of the muscles of the mouth, which is easily developed by playing. The correct position of the lips when playing the horn, as well as on other wind instruments, can be determined by pronouncing the syllable "dim".
Step 5
Due to its small capabilities, the horn usually does not participate in orchestral performances. The use of a bugle is usually limited to its function as a signaling instrument - in the army, earlier - in pioneer camps during the USSR, historically - during hunting.