Crysis 3 is another installment in the Crysis series in the genre of a futuristic first-person shooter. The scenario of the game contains the final part of the story of the Prophet - the commander of the special squad of the corporation that developed the famous nanosuits. In this game, the hero returns to New York 23 years after the last alien invasion.

30th Gate, New York
The protagonist of the game "Crisis 3" goes through the mission as the character of the Prophet. At the beginning of the game, an armed team led by a certain Psycho frees the Prophet. He's the only one who still has that suit. CELL employees took it from the rest of the team.
After being released, get a pistol, follow your partner to the 2nd floor and immediately screw a silencer onto the weapon. Try to play the entire game in silent mode. As soon as the door opens, turn off cloaking mode and head left. There will be an enemy in front of the control panel, silently eliminate him.
Then go downstairs, straight and to the right, in front of you there will be a ventilation shaft. Get out on it, open the door at the other end of the passage and let the Psycho in. Go down with him.

Obtaining a bow
Get your main weapon, the bow. Go to an even lower level, open the next door on the list. Carefully take out the enemy standing to your right, then the one behind the control panel. Go to the next location. There will be a locked door, opening it takes place in the form of a mini-game.
Then go back downstairs. At this time, the Psycho begins to be in a bad mood, since he lacks the taken away suit. Choose which enemies to deal with first: at the lower or at the upper level. Go to the new entrance and break the control panel on the left.
Go through two large locations protected by automatic turrets that need to be hacked. Crazy appears again, go upstairs with him. Under the protective dome will be a real jungle created thanks to the active use of alien technologies.
Penn Station, New York
Find a niche in the wall with an upgrade kit, grab it and upgrade your costume. Leave the room and go to the minefield. Search for mines with the help of the visor and neutralize those of them over which the red skull will fly. Together with the Psycho, break down the door and quickly go upstairs. Crazy stays behind to mark targets. Jump down and take turns visiting all the places marked by your partner.
An important tip: use disguise and all kinds of cover as often as possible. If you are noticed by the guards, immediately activate the armor and leave as soon as possible. After reaching the farthest point of the park, find a lethal alien sniper rifle, use it to deal with the watchtowers.

Further path
Then completely neutralize the minefield and go towards the lake. Use electric arrows in battles. Get to the freeway, there will be a Psycho under it. Before jumping off the road, be sure to activate your armor.
Go through the sewers, open the door in the technical passage, you will hear the voices of the enemies ahead. Take the exit and take a detour. Break open the sentry turret. Move to the other side of the location, go out onto the train tracks.
Neutralizing enemies
Jump over the obstacle and get to the door, the Psycho will follow the upper path. There will be an unpleasant surprise in the form of stalkers lurking in the grass. Activate your personal armor. Then go down the drain again.
Before the traps, turn right and replenish the stock of arrows. Go to the turrets again and reprogram them. Then break the door and go upstairs. There will be enemies throughout the territory, and a combat turret in the center. Carefully walk along the left side and destroy the opponents one by one from the bow. Use cover.
On the other side of the location, go upstairs, find the door and down. Outside there are stalkers, someone will interfere with tracking the status of the suit. Look carefully, a red light flashes in the distance, it creates interference. Make your way to it better on the roofs of the cars. There will be a full barrel nearby, shooting at it, you will blow it up and destroy the blocker.
Then go to the cliff where you will meet the Psycho. Destroy all enemies and then run after the Psycho. The gate will be closed, follow the rails to the cistern. Push her and ride comfortably through the tunnel.

Nassau Street, Financial District, New York
Go to the shelter, there will be Claire and Rush. Go downstairs, follow the Psycho and jump higher with him. Crawl on your haunches through the rubble to the elevator, his partner will open the door. First jump into the first cabin, then - into the second and after that you will fall down. CELL employees are parachuted from the helicopter. Carefully sneak up from the left flank to the dam and get inside through the main entrance.
Sabotage in generator sets
Turn on disguise mode before going inside. Open the elevator door, go upstairs. Wait a bit and get out through the small hatch. Going out into the corridor, destroy enemies at the location.
Hack the control panel, go further along the dam to the generator. Come on the right, before breaking another control panel. After that, down, destroying enemy fighters on the move. Drop the generator and jump into the water, go to the southern generator. Climbing the mine will lead you to it. Bring it down again and quickly climb up. Walk along the ventilation shaft to the marked place, install an explosive charge there and leave the dam.

Path in the swamp
Get to the island and destroy the sniper. Go to the narrow passage. Carefully sneak up to the complex, go around it on the left side. Then jump into the sewer system to get inside the complex.
In the lift, go up to the upper level and again look for a way down. Adjust the two terminals there and restore the air pressure in the system.
Delancey Street, Chintown, New York
Shoot opponents one by one from your bow. Then the news of the "Rise of the Scarlet Star" will come. At this moment, three enemies will separate from the main group. Kill the fastest one with a carbon arrow, and the other two with an electric shot into the water. Go to the next zone on the left side of the street, destroying all the enemies you come across.
There will be many mines here. Disarm them, climb into the extension and go upstairs. Find a passage to another building, go up the stairs, find and break down the door, get out. Here for the first time in the whole game the infantrymen of the Cephs will meet. Destroy them and go to the building from which the enraged arsonist breaks out.
New discoveries
It is important to seize the moments and fire exclusively at the red part of the Pyro, which is hidden under strong armor. Having finished with him, get out through the building to the other side of the street, where you will find a lot of the same arsonists. Don't fight them. Move to the right side of the street and go to the laboratory, where they are taking off suits.
Hack the flyers on the way, otherwise they will raise the alarm as soon as they find you. In the laboratory, lower the bridge by the elevator. Here you will meet the Psycho again. Take the elevator down and follow your partner. Find the latest costume update and finally unlock it. Along the way, it turns out that it was Claire who participated in the removal of the ill-fated costume from the Psycho.

Pearl Street, Two Bridges, New York
Learn that Star Rising is the planned destruction of New York. Find the hologram and appear before the enemies in the form of Alpha-tsef, they will lag behind. The real boss will appear in a minute, and the enemies will pounce on you with redoubled energy.
Fighting off enemies, hurry to Claire's aid. Go outside and jump down, activating the suit's armor in advance. Get close to the command center of the Archangel, break open the gate and get inside. First, get close to the control loop and neutralize the combat turrets. Find explosives on the location and destroy all equipment. Go to the control room. Climb higher and activate the control panel. Go ahead and see your team that will help you prevent the cataclysm.
Final showdown with Alpha-cef
In the final boss fight, it is important to fire on the head, hiding behind massive cover in time during the return fire. Cef tries to pull you closer to him as soon as it happens quickly and often click on the button, the name of which will appear on the monitor. During periods of calm, step back and destroy the approaching enemies.
Look for and use red capsules, they help to become invulnerable to enemy attacks for a short time. Repeat the battle cycle over and over until you wait for the capitulation of Alpha-tsef.