Everyone wants to get rich. This is undeniable and obvious. There is no highly profitable job, there are no prospects, too, and laziness. You need a lot of money and preferably as soon as possible, so you have to turn to the help of magic. Many people perform magic rituals to attract money on their own, sometimes just without thinking about the consequences.

An ancient ritual for raising money that can be very dangerous

In search of effective means for getting rich quick, a person can go very far. Sometimes he simply has no obstacles on the way to his dream. On the Internet, you can find a lot of descriptions of magic rituals for money: for the new moon, for the growing moon, even for Easter and Maundy Thursday (generally creepy). However, there is one ancient ritual that is really very dangerous to health, as practice has shown.
This magical action consists in the fact that it is necessary to find an egg laid by a black chicken. Moreover, the bird should be completely black, without a single feather of a different color. They say that some enterprising villagers even sell such eggs for 500 rubles apiece. I have not verified the reliability of this information, so I will not confirm.
You should prepare for this ritual in advance. To do this, you need to visit a nearby cemetery and find a very expensive grave. The name of the person buried in it must match the name of the person who is going to perform the ritual to attract money. The logic here is simple: if there is a lot of marble and expensive accessories on the grave, then the deceased was from a wealthy family, he had money, the work was highly paid and profitable. You need to remember the location of the grave and go home, waiting for the next full moon.
Now, on a full moon, at exactly twelve o'clock in the morning, you need to go to the cemetery all alone and go straight to the chosen grave, then bury an egg from a black chicken in it, uttering a spell like: “You don't need anything anymore, share your earthly blessings with me, you are welcome . Then you should go back to the exit, in no case should you look back.
The sad consequences of the ritual for money

I personally know the person who performed this ritual, or rather, I knew. He just raved about this conspiracy and was ready to carry it out. It is worth noting that he was a very greedy, calculating and petty person (although this cannot be said about those who left this world). I know for sure that he spent it. He lamented that enterprising farmers were selling black chicken eggs at overpriced prices. I don't know where he buried the acquired egg, whether he managed to get back without looking back, but after a while he really got a very profitable job. The situation was such that he began to control the cashier, where there was always an impressive amount of money. He had the right to write off large sums for the food of the collective, the purchase of uniforms, and so on, and the founder of the enterprise did not check him at all. Lucky indeed. In just six months, a man bought himself a good car, poured the foundation on the site and even got a young mistress, with a wife and a child.
It was from the bathroom of his mistress that an ambulance took him away when he had his first stroke. Then, after a very short time, the second happened, and he did not survive the third. Our hero was just 35 years old when he died.
Never use magic in solving your material issues.