There are actors who can easily evoke both sadness and laughter. They are wonderful tragicomic heroes. Bill Murray is undoubtedly one of those artists. He began filming in the 70s. Gained popularity thanks to such films as "Ghostbusters" and "Groundhog Day".

The actor likes feasts. According to Bill, in his youth he was able to drink anyone. He paid a lot of attention to the fair sex. He does not feel sad in his free time from work. On the set, he always jokes and teases, both colleagues and make-up artists with lighting fixtures.
short biography
William James Murray was born on September 21, 1950. It happened in a family who emigrated to the states from Ireland. Neither my father nor my mother had a permanent job. They had to travel all over Illinois in search of work. Over time, they settled in a small town called Wilmett.
In addition to Bill, the parents raised 8 more children. The actor himself was born the fifth. As a child, he loved to bully with his brothers. Neighbors could not remember their antics without shuddering. Only my mother managed to calm down the little gang. Subsequently, she sent Bill to study at a Jesuit school.

The actor showed his love for creativity from an early age. After studying at school for some time, he began to draw cartoons of teachers and schoolchildren. But it was hard with my studies. The restless boy just didn't want to study. He skipped lessons whenever possible. But over time, he still resigned himself and began to study more diligently. Participation in creative productions helped him in this.
Bill Murray had a hard time attending school, but he graduated. After that, he went to get his education in Colorado, enrolling in medical college. His parents insisted on this. The future actor was not particularly eager to study in college. He preferred to go to bars and look after girls.
In college, he never finished his studies. When the first year was over, Bill went home. But at the airport he was detained and asked what was in his bag. Bill joked that there was a bomb hidden there. Naturally, this was followed by an inspection. And instead of a bomb, they found a bag of marijuana. Then there was a short arrest and expulsion from college. But this circumstance only made the failed doctor happy.
First steps in a career
Life at home without any activities quickly bored the guy. He decided to follow in the footsteps of his older brother, who at that time actively attended auditions and acting courses. Bill spoke to the faculty and was instantly enrolled in drama school. He was even awarded a scholarship after seeing a huge talent. However, getting the young guy to study was hard. Even the older brother was unable to influence. Bill knew that he would be able to build a career even without training.
Confidence in their own capabilities did not disappoint. Very soon, Bill was invited to shoot in the comedy television project Second City. Then there was work in the TV show "Saturday Night Live". Moreover, the novice actor did not even go to the screening. He just trusted fate.

The debut in cinema was not long in coming. Bill Murray appeared in a supporting role in the movie "Tootsie". The audience could see the novice actor in the form of a friend of the main character. With such a successful debut, the door to Hollywood opened for Bill.
Popular film projects
William decided to shorten his name immediately after starting his creative career. His friends often called the guy Bill, so he didn't even bother looking for a pseudonym. And it was easier for the agent to advertise his ward. It was much more difficult to get a novice actor to come to auditions on time. Due to his lateness, Bill often missed good roles.
But the talented guy was not late for a meeting with "his" director. It turned out to be Ivan Reitman. It was he who worked on the creation of the cult film "Ghostbusters". The story of the adventures of 4 friends was released in 1984, instantly breaking all box office records. Many viewers came to the cinema several times to watch the film over and over again.
Relatives congratulated Bill for a long time. However, the actor himself did not see anything supernatural in his success. He always knew that he had an amazing future in cinema. And instead of breaking into closed doors, he simply trusted in fate.

Due to the crazy success of the first part, it was decided to shoot a sequel. The second part becomes equally successful. Then there was the shooting in the popular comedy "Groundhog Day". At the center of the plot is a cynical reporter who was forced to live the same day many times. Bill played his character very convincingly. Fans began to expect the actor to receive an Oscar for his efforts. However, the film academics did not even include him among the nominees.
Success in personal life
Bill Murray is a very amorous man. He literally attracted the fair sex. In this he was helped by charm, light character and an amazing sense of humor. He did not stop joking for a minute. The first wedding took place when the actor was 30 years old. The wife's name was Margaret Kelly. Two children were born in the marriage. The sons subsequently followed in the footsteps of their father.
The divorce from Margaret took place in 1994. Three years later, Bill married Jennifer Butler, who worked as a dresser. Jennifer gave birth to 4 children. But this could not save the relationship. In 2008, a divorce took place. The reason was Bill's addiction to friendly gatherings in bars.
The actor loves to play golf. It even has its own field. Bill Murray can enjoy his favorite game in the yard of his own house. In addition, the actor wrote a book dedicated to his hobby.
It is very difficult to replicate the success of Ghostbusters. However, the actor is not discouraged. He is responsible for choosing new roles. Among the latest works, the film "Lost in Translation" should be singled out. His joint performance with Scarlett Johansson was highly appreciated not only by the audience, but also by critics. He appeared before the audience in an unusual lyrical manner. He also played a dramatic role in the film Broken Flowers.
Bill remains the same frivolous and unreliable actor. He already missed out on a few good roles simply because he played golf or traveled.

Today, Bill appears mainly in secondary and cameo roles. However, the name of the famous actor on the posters still attracts the attention of many moviegoers, forcing them to go to see the film.