Celtic Animal Horoscope: Cat

Celtic Animal Horoscope: Cat
Celtic Animal Horoscope: Cat

According to the ancient Celts, who made up the animal horoscope, the cat is a totem for people born from January 21 to February 17. Individuals under the auspices of a cat have a craving for everything supernatural, mysterious and mystical.

Celtic horoscope
Celtic horoscope

The ancient Celts considered cats and cats to be witchcraft, slightly dangerous and very mysterious animals. In their opinion, it is the cat that guards the gate to the Kingdom of the Dead. Only the cat has access to those secrets that are hidden under the cover of night and beyond the line of life. The Celts believed that cats are very intelligent, quick-witted and attentive animals. Such traits usually go to people who, according to the Celtic horoscope of animals, are cats.

From an early age, a person who is patronized by a cat begins to be interested in secrets and riddles, gravitates towards mysticism and occult sciences, is interested in history, religion, folklore and mythology. Such a person is attracted by everything unknown, incomprehensible and secret.

The cat man has a brilliant memory and a sharp mind. In addition, he often has excellent intuition and empathy. Thanks to the strongly pronounced sixth sense, people whose totem animal according to the Celtic horoscope is a cat, manage to avoid difficulties and problems in life. If a cat does not listen to his intuition, then there is a high probability that there will be many difficulties and pitfalls along his life path. The cat-man must carefully look around, because the Universe itself gives him hints. In addition, such people often have vivid prophetic dreams.

The cat man is often interested in both the exact sciences and the humanities at the same time. He has a very strong creative streak. Only through any kind of art is the cat able to express itself, as well as throw out the surplus of the accumulated energy inside. Such people are encouraged to choose a "life work" related to creativity and art. Cat people usually make wonderful poets and writers, painters and sculptors, directors and actors.

A person who is protected by a cat has a large supply of vitality and strength, he can boast of excellent health. Thanks to their natural instinct, cat people rarely get into accidents or accidents, and rarely face serious problems in the body.

With a great sense of humor and amazing charisma, the cat man usually attracts increased attention. There are always a lot of people around him, both acquaintances and friends, as well as fans or female fans. However, a person who, according to the Celtic horoscope, is a cat, highly values freedom and independence. She knows how to experience strong feelings, but, choosing between love and life for her pleasure ("without shackles"), she will stop at the second option. Very often, cat people are loners in life. However, they are not afraid of loneliness, they know how to enjoy it and feel great, "walking by themselves."

Outwardly, the cat-man sometimes seems cold, secretive, detached. He seems to be constantly somewhere "in another world." However, cat people have a kind heart. They strive to help others, rarely turn away from those who are in trouble. Cat people are merciful, empathetic, sensitive to other people's experiences. They know how to both encourage and help with deeds. In addition, a cat man on an intuitive level usually understands how to cheer up another person, how to help him get out of the pool of depression and how to solve even the most difficult problems. Therefore, it is worth listening to the prompts of cat people.
