Under the auspices of the clever wolverine are those who were born from January 10 to February 9. Such personalities often have a complex but strong character. Making friends with them can be as difficult as working in the same team.

People born under the sign of the wolverine are strong-willed and self-confident individuals. There are many fighters for truth and justice among them. However, wolverines do not like increased attention to their person. They prefer to be in the shade. But at the same time, they should not be expected to stab in the back, revenge or betray. They are honest, straightforward and courageous. Wolverines know how to firmly say "no", are able to defend their point of view in a dispute. By their nature, they are not only fighters, but also defenders.
For the wolverine man, his family is of great importance. He will never turn his back on his loved ones, even if they behave somehow wrongly or commit some bad deeds. The wolverine man will always come to the aid of a loved one. He is able to defend and take a hit on himself. Such a person will never give offense to younger family members or their own children. With ill-wishers, she will fight to the last.
Often people who, according to the Slavic horoscope of animals, are wolverines, take on too much responsibility. They tend to do everything on their own, rarely seek help or advice. They never doubt their strengths and the plans they are building. Even if a lot of problems appear on the path of a wolverine, such a person will stubbornly go forward, gritting his teeth, forgetting about rest, not paying attention to fatigue. Under certain circumstances, a wolverine man can become a pathological workaholic. If he lives for a long time in a state of constant activity and strong tension, he will inevitably face burnout and poor health. People-wolverines need to learn how to share responsibility with others and fully rest, not ignoring the alarming signals that the tired body gives.
The wolverine man strives for order in everything. His house is rarely a mess. Such people have a delicate taste, therefore they are able to create a unique, but very cozy atmosphere in their apartment.
For the wolverine man, order is important in business, work, study. And also in relationships with people. Such a person chooses his friends very carefully. Usually, people are drawn to the wolverine man, feeling his inner fire and the strength that is hidden in him. However, it is impossible to impose your communication or friendship on someone who is patronized by a wolverine. If such a person does not like a new acquaintance, he will say it directly and will not maintain a formal connection. The wolverine man does not wear masks, he does not know how and does not like to flatter, please strangers or play a double game. For the sake of selfish ends, he will not communicate with an unpleasant person.
A person born under the sign of the wolverine prefers to sort things out face to face. He does not accept demonstrativeness, public scandals, tries not to get involved in major showdowns. He prefers to deal with enemies on his own.
Sometimes the one who is patronized by the wolverine seems very secretive, withdrawn and even sullen. And all because such a person does not like empty talk. He also does not seek to share his thoughts or plans with other people.
Wolverine man values freedom very much. He will never follow directions or orders from outside. Such a person is not a known person. He protects his boundaries and does not allow himself to be manipulated.