Some Interesting Facts About Cats

Some Interesting Facts About Cats
Some Interesting Facts About Cats

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Cats are very cute and amazing creatures. Many of us love cats, but not everyone knows some interesting facts about these animals.

Some interesting facts about cats
Some interesting facts about cats


Step 1

Cat litter can be from more than one cat

A cat can mate with different males and have kittens from them, but not necessarily from all the cats with whom she mated. That is why kittens of completely different colors can be in the same litter.

Step 2

Kittens also lose milk teeth

Kittens are born toothless. At about two weeks of age, their first milk teeth begin to erupt. Loss of deciduous teeth usually starts at around 3 months of age and ends at around 6 or 9 months.

Step 3

A cat has 32 muscles in only one ear

For comparison: a person has only 6 muscles in the ear. A cat can turn its ears 180 degrees and is able to turn towards sound 10 times faster than the best watchdogs. Cats are also able to hear ultrasound.

Step 4

The cat's nose has a unique pattern

No two cats will ever have the same nose pattern. It is as unique as human fingerprints.

Step 5

Cats have extraordinary eyes

Cats see as clearly in the dark as humans do during the day. Plus, cats can see up to 120 meters away and 285 degrees around!

Step 6

White cats with blue eyes are deaf

Most pure white cats with blue eyes are deaf. If a white cat has only one blue eye, then it is most likely deaf in one ear.

Step 7

Domestic cats live longer

The average lifespan of a domestic cat is around 15 years, while outdoor cats live for 3 to 5 years.

Step 8

Cats make over 100 different sounds

For comparison, a dog can only make about 10 sounds. Cats purr, hiss, meow and even growl.

Step 9

A cat brings you a mouse - it means she loves you

When a cat brings you a mouse or a bird, try not to scold her for it. This is a kind of sign of love and friendship.

Step 10

Cats Save Disneyland

At Disneyland California, over 200 wild cats are released every night to control the limit of mice and rats.
