Interesting Facts About Psychotria Elat

Interesting Facts About Psychotria Elat
Interesting Facts About Psychotria Elat

Among experienced florists and flower lovers, there are many connoisseurs of rare and unusual plants. Of all the unusual colors, perhaps the most unusual and vibrant is Psychotria elate. She reminds her appearance of lips folded in a bow, as if saying: "kiss me."

Psychotria elate - plant-kiss
Psychotria elate - plant-kiss

This unusual and beautiful plant belongs to the Rubiaceae family; it forms undergrowth in the tropical forests of South and Central America, Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama, and Ecuador. Endemic. At the moment, the plant is threatened with extinction, it is destroyed during the deforestation of tropical forests.

In its homeland, this amazing plant has long been known and many managed to get bored almost as we do with some weeds.

An interesting feature of this plant is its not quite blossoming buds. They resemble bright red lips, ready for a kiss.

This bright coloration is an important mechanism in plant life. It is she who helps him survive on the verge of destruction, attracting various pollinators to the flower.

There are some interesting facts about this unusual plant:

  1. Contrary to popular belief, the flowers of a plant are not always red. Among the colors, there are many shades - from pale pink to almost black, there are also yellow lips.
  2. This plant lives for quite a long time, but it blooms quickly, the flower has time to open and bloom in just a couple of hours.
  3. The plant blooms quite modestly, only a few small white flowers in the center of the lips-buds.
  4. The plant bears fruit. Pollinated flowers give ovary.
  5. Despite the screaming bright buds, it is very difficult to notice this plant, it does not like bright light and the buds peep out from under the foliage in the late afternoon when the sun goes down.
  6. Although this plant lives in tropical forests, it practically does not need moisture. But he needs a shadow instead of a bright sun.
  7. And the local population also calls this flower: "Hot lips" and "Slut's lips". Although it still sounds better: "Sublime Psychotria."