People's Artist of the RSFSR Yevgeny Petrosyan is a Soviet and Russian pop artist, writer of the humorous genre and television presenter. The popularity of the talented performer of numerous parodies in our country has not diminished for many years. Among the people, even today, the stable expression "petrosyanit" is in high demand, which refers to persons who excessively want to stand out with their sparkling humor. Naturally, fans are interested in the details of the life of a famous artist. And, of course, information about his children.

On September 16, the future popular comedian was born in the family of Vagan Mezhlumovich Petrosyants (a teacher of mathematics at a pedagogical university) and Bella Grigorievna Petrosyants (housewives) in Baku. The very fact of birth already makes all fans smile. After all, this naturally gifted person decided to make life better in the Azerbaijan SSR with his parents of Armenian and Jewish nationality. Apparently, such a "insidious" mixture of temperaments and geography could not but contribute to the realization in a person of the most unexpected manifestations of abilities.
It is interesting that already at the age of seven, the boy was able to draw an icon of the Kazan Mother of God, which seriously surprised and worried his atheist parents. And his remarkable artistic abilities were obvious to all relatives, friends and acquaintances. At the age of 12, he first appeared on stage and since then has ceased to think about his life without her.
Currently, the persona of Yevgeny Vaganovich is being discussed on the Internet and in the press, to a greater extent due to the high-profile scandal associated with the divorce from his last wife Elena Stepanenko. For fans of the popular artist, this gap has become like a bolt from the blue. After all, the star couple has delighted fans of the humorous genre with their performances for many years. However, the country cannot seriously condemn the people's favorite and turned its close attention to his daughter, who lives abroad, whose name is Quiz.
Personal life of Evgeny Petrosyan
The bright professional career of the People's Artist of the RSFSR could not affect his family life either. To date, Evgeny Petrosyan has four divorced marriages. The loving heart of the popular artist absorbed the Caucasian temperament and Jewish practicality, which was accompanied by a frequent change of partners in life. According to the ex-spouse himself four times, each of his ex-wives was “good in its own way,” which in the broadest sense can even be regarded as a compliment.
Yevgeny Vaganovich made his debut trip to the registry office with the younger sister of the famous ballerina in the Soviet Union, Victorina Krieger. Subsequently, in 1968, when the aspiring artist was only 19 years old, the name of his daughter in honor of an eminent relative can be considered a completely justified decision of young parents. By the way, Quiz became the only child of a popular comedian, because in subsequent marriages he never learned the repeated joy of fatherhood. Unfortunately, the girl's mother lost her life very early, which led to her being raised by her father. It was this fact that became fundamental for the formation of a very strong connection between Evgeny Vaganovich and Viktorina.
Brief biography of the Quiz
Victorina's genetic predisposition to ballet emerged very early. However, the daughter's desire to go on the big stage was constantly suppressed by her father, who wanted her to be realized in another profession. It was parental supervision that brought her, after receiving a certificate of secondary education, to the history faculty of Moscow State University. According to Quiz, she could find her future in a completely different sphere of life if she showed greater independence.

Quote from the original source: “Dad was rightly afraid that nothing could be worse than a bad actress,” said Quiz.- I remember how we staged home performances at home. It was always interesting and fun. I often played poignant roles, different old women - angry and funny. Nevertheless, my dad kept repeating that I needed to choose a different profession. And since by my mentality I am a humanist, not a techie, after school I decided to enter the history department of Moscow State University, which I ended up successfully graduating from."
Moving to the USA
After a successful graduation from the prestigious capital university, Quiz took a job in the field of organizing exhibitions. This is what became the reason for meeting my future spouse - a US citizen.

Currently, the couple lives in New York (Manhattan), raising the sons of Mark and Andrew. After moving to permanent residence in the United States, Quiz changed her last name to Petrosyants, which was worn by her paternal ancestors. Now she leads an active lifestyle, running an independent business related to the manufacture and sale of glass toys.
Living far apart
The success of the Quiz in business is reflected even on Wikipedia. It is interesting that in her homeland she could not achieve any significant success, but in a foreign land her organizational skills were perfectly realized. Despite the long distance separating father and daughter, relatives meet quite regularly. After all, they cannot exist without each other.

Modern logistics allows Quiz to not feel far from her father, as he regularly finds an opportunity to cross the ocean, freeing up time for his loving family in a busy work schedule.
Father's scandalous story
According to Victorina, she has recently been experiencing a great lack of attention from Yevgeny Vaganovich, because he has to spend a lot of time in court proceedings related to the sensational divorce from his last wife Elena Stepanenko.

The daughter does not comment on the reason for her father's divorce. However, the journalists of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" voiced the romantic relationship of the famous artist with his young assistant Tatyana Brukhunova. The situation is made critical by the pregnancy of the girl.