Evgeny Petrosyan has been married four times. Now he is building a new relationship with a young assistant Tatyana Brukhunova. There is information that the girl is pregnant. Therefore, an imminent fifth wedding of the comedian is not excluded.

The life of the talented comedian Yevgeny Petrosyan is rich not only in humorous scenes, but also in love stories. In an official marriage, the comedian was four times. And soon Evgeny Vaganovich is predicted to have a fifth wedding with his young assistant Tatyana Brukhunova.
Three short marriages
The first wife of the famous merry fellow was a relative of the famous ballerina. Today, there is very little information about the girl; after a divorce from a comedian, she stopped communicating with journalists and began to lead a life far from the stage. It is known that the first wife gave birth to a daughter Petrosyan. Together, the couple did not live long.
The second marriage of Evgeny Vaganovich also turned out to be short. His chosen one was the daughter of an opera singer - Anna Kozlovskaya. In this marriage, the lovers had no children. The couple lived together for a little over a year. Anna herself admits that she simply could not stand the frenzied touring schedule of her eminent husband. Petrosyan was rarely at home. And on the weekend that appeared, he continued to work on the script for humorous scenes. The couple soon divorced. Anna left her husband for a Greek businessman and left Moscow, leaving Petrosyan in a deep depression.

Very little is also known about the third wife of the humorist. After the first failures, Petrosyan decided to look for a life partner for himself, who would understand and support him in everything. Soon he met the beautiful Lyudmila. The girl was distinguished by her bright appearance and her love of art. Lyudmila worked as an art critic. The third wife had the most sincere bright feelings for Petrosyan, so she tried to help and support him in everything. The couple even went on stage together for some time for humorous performances. But Lyudmila also failed to save her marriage with the comedian. Soon she filed for divorce, explaining that she could not stand the too active rhythm of her popular husband's life.
Petrosyan is already desperate to meet the one and only woman with whom he could live his whole life. The comedian recalls that for some time he even decided that living alone is much easier and more comfortable. But fate soon made him a long-awaited gift.
Smiling Helen
In the period after his divorce from his third wife, Yevgeny Vaganovich tried to devote his free time completely to work. He launched all new creative projects and disappeared on the set literally around the clock. Petrosyan himself also organized a fateful casting in the theater of pop miniatures. It was at him that a smiling girl with a piercing gaze came. Later, the comedian said that after the first meeting, he realized that he wanted to live with this beautiful young lady all his life. Elena Stepanenko turned out to be a new friend of the comedian. Yevgeny Vaganovich himself called the chosen one “my smiling Lenochka” for a long time. It is interesting that at that time Stepanenko was already married. It was the first spouse who brought her to the casting to Petrosyan. Soon, the girl left her husband and completely immersed herself in a relationship with an eminent comedian.

Six years after they met, the lovers got married. This time, the man checked his chosen one for a long time and could not decide on a marriage. The couple began to perform on stage together and come up with all new creative projects. Eugene and Elena have been a couple for over 20 years. Therefore, the breakup of the marriage was a real shock for the fans of the couple of humorists. The main reason for the divorce of one of the strongest couples in the domestic show business was the appearance of a young mistress for Petrosyan.
The parting of Petrosyan and Stepanenko turned out to be very noisy, scandalous, painful for both. The spouses had difficulty in dividing the acquired property. Elena demanded 80%, although the couple has no children. Evgeny Vaganovich insisted on a 50-50 division. To this day, disputes concerning the common property of humorists do not subside.
Imp in the rib
Many people call Tatyana Brukhunova an uninteresting "gray mouse". Despite her unfashionable appearance, the girl managed to conquer her faithful spouse Yevgeny Vaganovich and take him away from the family. For the sake of a new lover, Petrosyan decided on a loud divorce and was not afraid of public condemnation.

Tatiana came to Moscow from Tula to study and began as a part-time job to lead the Internet community of the "Crooked Mirror" program. So she met Petrosyan. The girl tried to catch the eye of the famous comedian more often: she organized meetings with fans for him, passed numerous letters from fans. Brukhunova managed to get noticed. First, she began to run the comedian's website, and then suddenly she was appointed director of the Petrosyan Theater and became his main assistant. Finally, everyone managed to make sure that between Tatyana and Yevgeny Vaganovich was not a business relationship, after the comedian copied two apartments in the capital on his "right hand".

During the scandalous divorce, Brukhunova stopped communicating with the media representative and completely disappeared for a while. As soon as the passions in the relationship between Stepanenko and Petrosyan subsided, Tatyana reappeared and told reporters that she had strong feelings for her boss. The girl was not even embarrassed by the age difference of more than 40 years.
In early 2019, the new couple took a romantic getaway in Europe. From time to time, lovers appear together in restaurants in Moscow. Perhaps very soon it will become known about Petrosyan's fifth wedding, because there are rumors that Tatyana is expecting a child from a famous comedian.