Why Do You Dream About Paper Money

Why Do You Dream About Paper Money
Why Do You Dream About Paper Money

Many questions are always asked about what paper money dreams of - it is believed that such dreams portend changes in the financial situation. The interpretation of the vision in which the bills appear should be carried out depending on additional details. To do this, experienced interpreters recommend paying attention to the details that the dream left in memory.

Why do you dream about paper money
Why do you dream about paper money

What does a dream with money mean in Miller's dream book?

According to Miller, paper money in hands often dreams of future prosperity, pleasant and joyful changes. However, this interpretation is allowed only in the case of receipt of banknotes. If a person in a dream lost money - for example, dropped it from his hands or was robbed, the loss is regarded as a sign of problems that will soon come in life.

Counting bills in a dream - such a vision portends a favorable turn of events, as a result of which the dreamer will be able to get a considerable amount in reality.

Freud's dream book

According to Freud, if in a dream a person counts small bills, this means his scrupulousness and pettiness. A dream in which you have to give money to someone means that the dreamer will soon need a lot of them.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

Wanga argued that if the found paper money dreamed, they act as a symbol of someone's bad thoughts. If a person dreamed that he raised them, the dream cannot be considered a good sign.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

In Tsvetkov's dream book, you can read the following interpretations of the dream with cuts:

  1. Seeing large paper money in a dream means that you will soon receive news.
  2. In the real life of the dreamer, changes will occur that will not be particularly pleasant.
  3. Finding bills means getting a certain amount of money in reality.
  4. Losing money in a dream means trouble in reality.

Loff's dream book

According to the interpretation set forth in Loff's dream book, when receiving bills from the hands of a friend, a dream can be regarded as strengthening partnerships in reality. Perhaps the dreamer will be promised support from friends or partners. If in a dream he himself provides financial assistance, she may be asked in the real world.

The loss of several bills in a dream may mean that in reality the dreamer is looking for a way to reduce financial expenses.

Positive meanings of dreams with banknotes:

  • Banknotes dream of good luck in business, prosperity, circumstances favorable for the dreamer.
  • Getting rid of old paper money that has gone out of circulation in a dream - in reality, you will be able to avoid responsibility.
  • The person who found the bills in reality gets success in business, it is possible to receive an inheritance or a profitable investment.

Negative meanings of dreams about paper money:

  • A man dreamed that he was collecting scattered small bills - in reality, a series of small and unpleasant events awaited him that would interfere with his plan.
  • If you dream of receiving money that has gone out of use - in reality, problems and deception await.
  • In a dream, a person is forced to give bills to someone - financial problems in reality.

To more accurately establish what paper money is dreaming of, you should consider other details that appear in the plot of the dream.
