Ice slides are a source of joy not only for children, but also for adults. Downhill skiing has always been a traditional Russian pastime. In most Russian cities, whole ice towns are built in winter, but sometimes, in order not to go far, you can build a small slide on a playground near your home or at a summer cottage.

Step 1
It is desirable that the slide is located on a hill. If there are no natural elevations on the site you have chosen, make an artificial embankment, for example, of sand. You can also make a wooden frame for the slide from bars and boards, with a ladder, handrails, and a board descent.
Step 2
But if you do not have sufficient resources, an ordinary snow slide will be the easiest option for you. In order to make it, you need to warm up a sufficient amount of snow, level it, form a slide and fill it with water.
Step 3
It is better to do the slide during a thaw, when the snow is heavy and sticky. The snow "mound" you have made will need to be trampled down and left for a while, so that it settles and cakes to a denser mass. The height of the slide will depend on what age children will ride on it - for kids no more than a meter, for older children - 1.5-2 meters in height. The surface of the descent must be flat, the curbs must be made high enough. Pay attention to the angle of descent - if it is more than 40 degrees, the slide will become traumatic.
Step 4
It is necessary to fill the hill in frosty weather. Just pouring it from a bucket and a hose is a bad idea, a large mass of water, especially under pressure, will simply wash away the snow, forming holes. A laborious but sure-fire option is a regular garden watering can. You can pour water on a flat surface from which it will drain onto the snow - on a piece of plywood or a wide shovel. Sometimes it is recommended to cover the slide with a large rag and pour through it - the water will be more evenly distributed over the snow. If you don't have anything like this at hand, fill a bucket of water with snow from the nearest snowdrift, stir with a stick and evenly cover the hill with the resulting snow slurry. Level the surface and leave the slide to freeze overnight, and the next day coat it with snow porridge again and let it freeze completely. From the descent, you can make an ice path with water or with the same snow porridge, so that the skiers can drive further away.
Step 5
The surface of the descent will need to be kept in order, making sure that no potholes form on it.