It is necessary to prepare well for a corporate party, city holiday or children's matinee. First of all, you need a scenario plan, in which it will be detailed in detail what and at what moment is happening on the stage or in the hall. It can be handwritten or typed on a computer. There are also special services on the Internet. The user only needs to fill in the boxes of the standard form.

It is necessary
- - an approximate list of artistic numbers and their timing;
- - an approximate list of equipment and requisites;
- - a list of those responsible for each program number.
Step 1
Please include the title of the document you are compiling. Under the words "scenario plan" write the name of the event, location, start and end times. The same part should contain the names and surnames of those responsible for organizing the holiday, for decoration, preparation of props, musical accompaniment. Indicate the hosts as well.
Step 2
Note what will happen on the stage and in the hall before the start of the party. This can be, for example, meeting guests. Note what kind of music should be played, what guests and characters are doing at this moment. Guests can watch the exhibition, sit at tables, participate in the lottery, etc. Characters meet them, hold rallies or play programs in subgroups.
Step 3
Make a table. In the first column you will write the time, in the second - the content of this or that stage of the holiday, in the third - what musical accompaniment and props are needed. The leader's words can be entered in the second column, but sometimes it is better to make a separate column for them.
Step 4
In the first column, write in the exact time when the holiday starts. Tell us what should happen at this time. For example, fanfare may sound, lights go out, or a clock chimes. Indicate what is happening on the stage at this time, whether the presenter or character appears there and what he says.
Step 5
Enter the start time for the next phase of the holiday. This can be congratulations from leaders, dramatization, a solemn song, or something else, at your discretion. Schedule the timing and be sure to warn the speakers how much time they have for the speeches.
Step 6
Describe the rest of the parts in the same way. Decide if you need to divide each period into smaller chunks. This makes sense if there are many groups participating in the celebration that need different costumes, music and props. But individual numbers can be combined into blocks, by appointing a person responsible for each part of the program.
Step 7
If the program includes games and contests, simply indicate the blocks and the approximate time. Make a suggested list of games. Indicate who will conduct them, under what accompaniment and with what items. If it is supposed to be divided into teams, this is also worth mentioning.
Step 8
If there is a break, define its beginning and ending. Write what the audience is doing at this time. Do not forget to mention what kind of soundtrack you need. It is not necessary to describe some points in detail. If, for example, a performance by a professional group with a large concert program is supposed, indicate only the start and end times of the performance. The rest will be prepared by the artists themselves. The same goes for discos and fireworks ordered from another organization.