Charades are riddles that appeared in ancient times, but are still popular with both children and adults. The essence of the charade is that the hidden word is divided into syllables, each of which has the meaning of an independent word. All syllables are played out in the form of a separate riddle, and at the end (and sometimes at the beginning) of the charade, it is said about the hidden word in its entirety. Charades are usually composed in poetic form.

Step 1
If the charade is composed according to the rules, then the conceived word is a noun in the nominative case. But its components (syllables) can be verbs, pronouns, interjections, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions and much more. First, read or listen to the entire charade carefully. For example, this one: "Let there be 'he'!" - exclaimed God
And the first syllable appeared, my second syllable always lies
At the bottom of a swamp and a pond, and then - I'll tell you this -
There is a "soft sign" At the end - I know it for sure -
Klikuha in the Internet. The whole word is a thing. Useful in the house
To read Shakespeare's volume.
Step 2
Now get down to solving this word puzzle. Do not try to immediately guess the word by the last line, it is more convenient to start with the syllables. They will serve as clues for you, and even if you cannot guess all the syllables, they will lead you to the correct answer for the whole charade. The conceived word is usually broken down into several monosyllables, for example, "bitch-no", "fact-hurray", "I-may-ka", "thief-she". Therefore, do not look for difficult answers to riddles - they should be as simple and short as possible.
Step 3
For example, you guessed the first time that the first syllable is "light" and the last is "nick". But the second and third are not given to you. But on the other hand, you already have at your disposal the beginning and end of the hidden word - "light … nick". "Lamp"! You can check the correctness of the answer by the second and third words. "Il" and "b" - the same. Everything, the answer has been found.