How To Solve A Dream

How To Solve A Dream
How To Solve A Dream

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In ancient times, dreams were considered a journey from the world of the living to the kingdom of shadows, filled with predictions and warnings of danger. Modern psychologists assure that what we dream at night is directly related to what happened during the day. And along with everyday dreams, they meet prophetic ones - those that indicate some kind of event that should happen. To read these tips correctly, you need to resort to the help of interpreters.

sometimes a bad dream seems like a harbinger of trouble, but it is not
sometimes a bad dream seems like a harbinger of trouble, but it is not


Step 1

Take a dream book and look for the meaning of your dream in it. Please note that different books may interpret certain symbols differently. However, there is a generally accepted set of dreams that are explained in the same way. For example, a fish dreams of pregnancy, like a find in the form of a gold ring. Looseness and loss of teeth in a dream means illness or death of someone close. And if you made love with someone in the world of dreams, it means that in real life you do not have enough warmth and attention, even with a constant partner.

Step 2

If you or your child is having nightmares, don't rush to imagine that something terrible will happen in life. Very often, bad dreams begin due to the fact that you are uncomfortable in a dream: for example, an arm or leg is numb, there is no place to lie on the bed. The second reason for nightmares is psychological tension, especially in children. Therefore, as soon as your son or daughter starts constantly complaining about bad dreams, you need to take your child to a child psychologist.

Step 3

You can try to interpret your dream yourself, without the help of a dream book. To do this, try to remember every detail. You will most likely find that some part of the dream was a bizarre interpretation of what happened to you the day before. For example, during the day you had a fight with someone, and at night you dreamed about how you were running away from that person. When you cut off everything that your brain has processed into sleep from daytime experiences, the remainder will be what may happen in the future.
