The ability to strike high notes is highly regarded in both professional and amateur vocals. Some voices have a wide range by nature. But if you're unlucky enough to be able to sing in a high pitched voice, you can develop your abilities by studying with a teacher or practicing on your own.

Step 1
Learn to breathe properly. A high-pitched voice requires a solid footing. Stand up straight and chant "ho ho ho" or "ha ha ha" feeling the air rises in jerks from your lower abdomen. Remove shallow chest breathing - use the diaphragm.
Step 2
Sing along before class. Start with mid-range notes and work your way up. Don't strain your voice. If you experience painful cramps, stop singing and rest.
Step 3
During exercise, keep a glass of clean, non-carbonated water at room temperature on hand and take a few sips if necessary. Do not drink hot drinks and alcohol - this is bad for the ligaments. Not conducive to high notes and a dense meal. The best time to train and perform is three to four hours after eating.
Step 4
Try yawning slightly on a high note to help lock the palate in position. Remember it and repeat it when you need to go to the top of the range. Maintain volume in your mouth and keep your tongue down.
Step 5
Practice singing comfortable vowels. For some, such a "singing" letter will be "a", for others "and". While playing a note, pull on the vowel overtones as long as possible. Choose a word that ends with the letter you want. Your task is to link all sounds into a musical composition, achieving a smooth and long-lasting sound.
Step 6
Once you've got the correct note, repeat it several times. Memorize how it is sung, and bring the technique to automatism. The more often you repeat a successful musical phrase, the more beautiful and easier it will sound.
Step 7
Visualize sound. Imagine how it is born in the lower abdomen, powerfully and freely rises up the esophagus and throat, breaks out and flies higher and higher. Do not lift your head or strain your neck - this will only worsen the sound. The muscles of the upper body should not be pinched.
Step 8
Do not "squeeze" high notes with force - they will sound dull and flat, and the ligaments may suffer. Try the opposite technique - start singing as low as possible, gradually going up. Go even higher in the next lesson. Regular training will help to significantly expand the range, and the study of the lower notes will make the voice richer.