The Motherland is great and immense. There are sea and mountains in our country. The issue of patriotism, which became somewhat irrelevant in the 90s, is gaining importance again. It is generally accepted that the future of the country is in the hands of children. It is important to instill love for the Motherland in this particular category of citizens. During the Soviet Union, much attention was paid to the patriotic education of children of preschool and primary school age. Through various events, pride for their homeland was instilled.

Step 1
An example of such an event can be a thematic exhibition of children's drawings called "My Motherland - Russia". Participants must be offered a choice of several options for the preparation of competitive works.
Step 2
"My Homeland on the Map". Participants must depict the country on a map or globe. Russia is highlighted in pink on political maps, but in this case it is necessary to allow the children to show their imagination. Let them paint the territory of the country in accordance with their ideas of how the Motherland should look like. You can indicate the capital or your city, designate borders with other countries.
Step 3
"The Nature of Russia". In this nomination, children need to portray the beauty of the fields, a birch grove, the peculiarities of the nature of the area in which they live. If the competition is held, for example, in the city of Sochi, where nature does not correspond to the standard ideas about Russian land, the pictures must be given appropriate names. The picture depicting a palm tree can be commented on "the southern sister of a birch tree."
Step 4
"Features of the national color". You can depict nesting dolls, dishes painted under Khokhloma or Gzhel, women and men in national costumes, traditional holidays (carnival or Easter). Everything that characterizes the characteristics of the breadth of the Russian soul is appropriate.