The sox game is becoming more and more popular among teenagers. After all, this is one of the safest and most democratic games. It can be played both in the stadium and in the yard. It is impossible to knock out a window with a sox, like a ball.

Step 1
Learning how to play sox is quick and easy and can be done in a week, as long as you spend enough time exercising. Although this is a team game, you can practice and practice your shots alone. As in any game, sox has its own difficulties - you need to react in time, be able to soften the fall of the ball, you also need to be able to perform complex tricks.
Step 2
There are two types of this game - Footbag net and Freestyle Footbag. In the first version, athletes play through a high net. In fact, the game resembles volleyball. In freestyle, participants' performances are judged according to several categories: choreography, skill, trick difficulty and variety. The entire program is performed to music. Competitions are held in these two directions.
Step 3
What are the rules of the yard sox game? It also has its own varieties. You can play both for glasses and for the beauty of performing stunts. After all, sox can be kicked with almost all parts of the body - knees and toes of shoes, head and heel, inside of the foot, and even behind the back.
Step 4
Since sox is a team game, it is best if there are more than two players. But the more players, the better. They should be about two meters apart, and in no case should you touch the ball with your hands. Another condition of playing socks is that you cannot throw the ball to yourself, only to your partner.
Step 5
You can buy a sox ball in sports stores for about 200 rubles. In doing so, pay attention to some details. It is best to get a large ball as it is easier to catch and hold on to your foot. In addition, the sox yarns must be strong and the knitting tough. This will prevent the ball from stretching and crumbling. And remember, the smaller the filler, the better. A ball with small contents will easily take the shape of the surface on which it lies, and it will also be easier to hold. But too fine filler will fall out of the holes in the fabric.
Step 6
You can also make a sox with your own hands. To do this, you need an old sock. Cut it and stuff it with any cereals - peas, rice. Another detail worth paying special attention to is shoes. They even produce special shoes for playing socks, but you can get by with ordinary sneakers or sneakers. Most importantly, they are lightweight, comfortable and with grooved soles.