The spectacular TV presenter always eagerly told fans and journalists about her personal life. Therefore, the public also watched with interest all the novels of Lera Kudryavtseva.

Lera Kudryavtseva only in recent years began to try to hide her personal life from prying eyes. Previously, she always willingly gave interviews about all her lovers and spouses. The famous TV personality was married three times. With her last husband, a young athlete Igor Makarov, the presenter lives to this day.
Glory and disappointment
The first husband of Lera Kudryavtseva was a popular musician - drummer Sergei Lenyuk. The young man at that time was part of the "Tender May" group, from whose creativity thousands of girls all over the country went crazy. It is interesting that Lera herself was also a fan of the musical group. It was she who was chosen from the huge crowd of fans by Sergei. Kudryavtseva admits that she was in love with him without memory and literally lost her head when her young husband sat down to the drum set.
At first, the couple just met and did not think about the wedding. Lera received a marriage proposal only at the moment when she found out about pregnancy. Kudryavtseva, despite her young age, refused to listen to her mother's advice about abortion and really wanted to have a child from her beloved man.
True, happiness in a young family did not last long. Initially, Lera was flattered that her husband was so popular. Part of the glory went to his wife. But over time, the drummer's young wife became more and more difficult to turn a blind eye to the aggression from his fans, as well as the constant absence of her husband at home. Sergei disappeared on tour for months, and a young mother raised her son alone. By the way, the couple named the boy Jean in honor of the beloved Hollywood actor Van Damme. When facts about Lenyuk's numerous betrayals began to surface, Lera could not stand it and was the first to file for divorce.
Charming con man
After parting with her star spouse, Kudryavtseva devoted herself entirely to raising her son, and also began to build a career as a TV presenter. By the way, her first marriage helped her a lot in this. Initially, the girl even stated that she would never marry again, since she was completely satisfied with a free independent life. But chance decided everything.
Lera's second love story began with trouble - mirrors were stolen from her car. The presenter clarified in which store they can be bought and went to the address named by the seller. But already at the place of the desired product was not found. But it was there that the owner of the business, Matvey Morozov, drew attention to the blonde beauty swearing with the sellers. First, he personally brought the girl the mirrors she needed so much, and then he invited the young lady she liked on a date. Lera herself really liked the charming and wealthy admirer. He beautifully looked after his chosen one and immediately took upon himself the solution of all her problems.
Matvey made Lera an offer completely unexpectedly. He appeared at an event hosted by a girl, and in front of everyone present, handed her a gorgeous ring. Kudryavtseva could not refuse. Although today the presenter openly admits that she never had a strong passionate love for Morozov.
The marriage of Lera and Matvey also fell apart unexpectedly. Kudryavtseva flew away from the capital for several months to shoot a movie, and upon her return she found out that her husband was accused of major fraud. The wife supported Morozov in the pre-trial detention center as best she could and even managed to improve the conditions in the cell for him, but she could not forgive him. Soon Lera filed for divorce. She explains her decision: “If you love a person, how can you substitute him like that? My husband always knew that I hate swindlers and scammers. Can you imagine how his machinations could affect me, my career? How could Matvey risk my well-being so much? Of course, there was no talk of forgiveness and the continuation of our union. By the way, Lera did not have children in her second marriage.
A quiet harbor
Lera herself admits that only her third husband, Igor Makarov, managed to turn her from an inveterate careerist into a real wife and mother. Kudryavtseva met a smiling hockey player when she was 42 years old. The girl no longer thought about marriage, and even more so about having children. She just wanted to continue to actively develop her career and do business.

But already three months after they met, Igor, conquered by Lera's charm and beauty, made her marriage proposals. Kudryavtseva answered him with consent. The presenter does not hide that she is madly in love with her young spouse (Makarov is 16 years younger than his wife) and constantly wants to show him her warm feelings. For example, she gets up very early every day, prepares breakfast for her husband and escorts him to work.

In a marriage with Igor, Lera decided on a second child. Recently, the couple had a little daughter. The ardent careerist Kudryavtseva is now trying to fully reveal herself in motherhood and marriage. Recently, the presenter even told reporters that she was thinking about a second joint child with Makarov. She wants it to be her daughter again.