TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva in 2013 got married for the third time. Hockey player Igor Makarov, who is 16 years younger than his wife, became her chosen one. However, this difference does not bother the couple at all. Moreover, in 2018, having celebrated her 47th birthday, Lera became a mother for the second time, giving her husband a daughter Masha. Moreover, three months earlier, her grandson Leo was born - the son of the eldest heir to the TV presenter Jean. Kudryavtseva's family life is going well. She admits that only in her third marriage she learned to cook and fell in love with household chores.

Love at first sight

The TV presenter shares the details of her personal life with the press quite willingly. True, he does not like to remember past love failures. Lera does not hide the fact that there were many novels in her life, but she tried to build her relationships with men in such a way as to always remain independent. For example, meeting with the singer Sergei Lazarev, she did not want to live with him under the same roof. They spent time together, and then dispersed to their homes, not interfering with each other in work or creativity. True, many still do not believe in the sincerity of the couple's feelings, since Lazarev has long been suspected of being gay. However, Lera even talked about the unsuccessful pregnancy from the singer, although it never came to creating a family.

In July 2012, Kudryavtseva met her future husband. Their meeting took place in a restaurant. Each was with his own company, but this did not prevent Lera and Igor from exchanging glances for half the evening. Finally, the young man dared to come up and introduce himself. The TV presenter admitted that Makarov's courage bribed her very much. Usually men were shy, barely recognizing a TV star in a charming woman. In addition, she was not used to taking the initiative in relations with the opposite sex, therefore, if Igor had been less decisive, everything would have ended with looks alone.
And so in just one evening, new acquaintances realized that they wanted to be together. Two days later, Igor, who played in the SKA hockey team in St. Petersburg, was leaving for training camps. Kudryavtseva came to see him off and realized that he had managed to become truly dear and close for her. Of course, separation was the constant companion of their relationship. After all, Igor lived in St. Petersburg, and Lera - in Moscow. But at the first opportunity they flew to each other, exchanged SMS messages, talked on the phone.
Less than six months since the beginning of the novel, Makarov decided on a marriage proposal. On the eve, the lovers had a little quarrel, being in different cities, so the TV presenter flew to him in a bad mood. On the way home in a taxi, Igor presented her with a ring, which he had bought in advance, and asked to become his wife. Of course, the recent conflict was immediately forgotten, and Lera hastened to share her happiness with her followers on Instagram. Remembering their engagement, the couple admit that it turned out to be quite unusual - without the traditional kneeling, romantic dinner, armfuls of flowers or fireworks.
The joyful event took place on November 19, 2012, after which the couple began to prepare for the wedding. By the way, Kudryavtseva's acquaintance with the groom's parents went well. Despite the fact that Igor is their only adored child, they took his chosen one very cordially, not attaching importance to the age difference.
Wedding and family life

The couple's wedding took place on June 8, 2013. As the TV presenter later admitted, she chose this date on the advice of an astrologer. The wedding took place in the Kutuzovsky registry office in Moscow. The bride decided to follow the tradition and put on a fluffy ivory dress, and instead of a veil threw a stole over her shoulders. The designer Igor Gulyaev became the author of her wedding dress. By the way, there were no witnesses at the registration. According to the documents, Lera changed her name and became Makarova. Near the registry office, the newlyweds released white doves into the sky and went to a wedding photo session.

That evening, the bride and groom were waiting for guests at the celebration in the Safisa restaurant. Many stars of show business came to congratulate the couple, including Alla Pugacheva with her husband Maxim Galkin. Igor Vernik took over the role of the presenter. For the second part of this important day, Lera changed into a more open outfit, also created by Igor Gulyaev. In honor of the newlyweds, Alexander Serov, Grigory Leps, Valery Meladze, Dmitry Malikov, Lyubov Uspenskaya and several other popular singers performed their hits. The couple spent their honeymoon on the island of Sardinia.
Of course, the journalists were interested in the TV presenter's family life. Lera admitted that she had changed a lot for her husband. While Igor continued to play hockey in St. Petersburg, she came to him in her free time. Kudryavtseva fell in love with household chores, everyday life, calm quiet evenings together, far from noisy parties. In her third marriage, she finally learned to cook, although she had not seen the need for it before. Her husband convinced her to work less, took over the full support of the family. Of course, like any woman, she is pleased to feel a reliable shoulder next to her. With the son of Kudryavtseva - Jean Lenyuk - Makarov has an excellent relationship. Since the difference between her beloved men is only 3 years, they found many common topics of conversation and hobbies.
The birth of a daughter
Lera's marriage with a young hockey player was hotly discussed by the public and from the point of view of childbirth. Indeed, at the time of the wedding, the TV presenter was already 42 years old, she gave birth to her only son at the age of 19. Kudryavtseva did not hide what she and her husband think about children. Because of this, the press began to regularly attribute pregnancy to her.

Finally, in May 2018, the TV presenter shared pictures from a trip to Italy, where she clearly had a small belly. Soon, even more eloquent photos were posted on Instagram by Igor Makarov. It is noteworthy that on May 20, the day after her birthday, Lera became a grandmother. The eldest heir to the star had a son, Leo.
Kudryavtseva was very sensitive to her position, so she went on maternity leave in advance and even refused to host the MUZ-TV award, which she had never missed before. True, many fans did not completely believe in her pregnancy, given the age (46 years) and the disappearance of the future mother from the public field of view. Lera and her entourage regularly refuted these speculations.

Kudryavtseva announced the birth of her daughter on August 13. She did not give any details about childbirth or parameters of the newborn baby. Later it became known that the happy parents named the girl Masha. Just three weeks later, Lera returned to work, flew to Sochi to host the New Wave festival. She entrusted the care of her daughter to her husband, grandmothers and professional nannies. The TV presenter tries not to pay attention to criticism and condemnation for such a quick resumption of her career. She is sure that if you want and have helpers, you can easily combine the upbringing of a child with professional activities.