Why, Along With The Death Of A Person, His Wristwatch Also Stops

Why, Along With The Death Of A Person, His Wristwatch Also Stops
Why, Along With The Death Of A Person, His Wristwatch Also Stops

Video: Why, Along With The Death Of A Person, His Wristwatch Also Stops

Video: Why, Along With The Death Of A Person, His Wristwatch Also Stops
Video: At 5 Million Views, He Will Die..The Culprit Is... | Part 3 The End Game 2024, December

Many different signs and superstitions, sometimes absolutely fantastic, are associated with the clockwork. One can believe in them or not, but it is impossible to deny the fact that at the moment of death their wrist watches stop for some people, thereby fixing the exact time of the departure of their owner into another world. This is supported by multiple testimonies from criminologists, investigators and medical professionals.

Why, along with the death of a person, his wristwatch also stops
Why, along with the death of a person, his wristwatch also stops

Mystical version

It is believed that during life a wristwatch becomes part of the electromagnetic field of its owner. This is especially true of those watches that are constantly worn on the arm for many years. The material from which the watch and the strap are made also plays a huge role.

Metal watches can sometimes even become the end point where all the energy of a person is collected. They serve as a kind of grounding, where all the energy is drawn. It turns out that after the life processes in the human body stop, the hand on the wristwatch also freezes lifelessly.

This does not always happen, but only with those people who have strong energy and vitality.

Some esotericists even declare: over time, some watch movements adapt so much to the energy field of their owner that they even begin to predict his future. Such a charged watch begins to measure the time that is released to the physical body of its owner, and can suddenly stop even before something irreversible should happen, and the person dies. This is probably why some people think that unexplained wristwatch breakage is a very bad omen.

There are people who are simply catastrophically unlucky with their watches. They constantly break down or get lost, suddenly stop and fail, and on quartz watches the batteries constantly run out prematurely. Bioenergetics believe that such people are endowed with the strongest energy field, which simply cannot adapt to the clockwork, it simply interrupts it.


Experts' opinions

Watchmakers believe that the serviceability of a watch mechanism directly depends on how correctly it is handled, and do not see any mysticism in the fact that the watch begins to suddenly break and stop.

We can only speak seriously about the electromagnetic fields of the refrigerator and TV, on which it is categorically impossible to put the watch, because it can stop.

Physicists are also sure that the human electromagnetic field is not capable of magnetizing or demagnetizing something, and if the clock has stopped, then it should simply be taken to the workshop.

These are such boring arguments that you can safely dispute, because amazing stories associated with watches happen over and over again and often it is simply impossible to find a reasonable explanation for them.
