Why Do Pikes Dream

Why Do Pikes Dream
Why Do Pikes Dream

For many people, pike is associated with magic and the supernatural ability to fulfill any desires. And all thanks to Russian folk tales, in which the pike acts as a wise soothsayer. It is curious that in a dream, this fish can reflect both the pros and cons of human existence.

The pike is a symbol of wisdom and the fulfillment of all desires
The pike is a symbol of wisdom and the fulfillment of all desires

To see a pike in a dream - what is it for?

In Russian fairy tales, the pike, along with the goldfish, is the personification of wisdom and the fulfillment of all human desires. But this is only in Russian folklore. In reality, the pike is a river predator, which can be a harbinger of greed and self-interest. If we consider the pike as a dream, then it will not be possible to give an unambiguous answer here. The fact is that a pike in a dream can personify both good and pious deeds, and also warn about something.

According to Juno's dream book, catching a pike by the tail is luck, which the dreamer can catch in reality, like a bird of happiness by the tail. In addition, a pike caught in a dream will bring wisdom on its tail, and the dreamer's current well-being will noticeably improve, and for some it will increase! Often, a pike in a dream can give advice. For example, to see a live pike means to disobey someone and miscalculate. It is worthwhile in reality to listen to the advice of wise people.

The modern dream book interprets this dream as follows. If you catch a pike in a dream and then accidentally miss it, then in reality you can miss your opportunities and profitable financial prospects. To catch a pike on a fishing trip is to meet old acquaintances or forgotten friends of youth. If the dreamer caught a very large pike, then in reality his ill-wishers themselves will fall into their own trap. Such a dream should be taken seriously.

Why do pikes dream? Miller's dream book

American psychologist Gustav Miller interprets this dream in this way. To see a pike swimming in clear water is a sign of favorable life changes: fate will be favorable to the dreamer. Miller sees a dead pike as a symbol of sorrow, and a dream with a dead pike as a harbinger of loss. If a young girl sees a live pike, then in reality a happy love awaits her.

In his dream book, Gustav Miller also gives an interpretation to the process of pike fishing. For example, catching or catching a pike in a dream is a serious challenge in reality. It is worth noting that the dreamer will endure them staunchly, maintaining his presence of mind. Looking at your own fish catch in a dream promises a surge of vitality and energy, as well as the skillful use of suddenly opened prospects.

A dream about a failed fishing (the dreamer could not catch anything) on a pike warns of some vanity of the sleeper's desires. Going to a fish market in a dream and seeing pikes for sale there - to joy and prosperity in real life. If the dreamer picks up a spinner for a pike, and also prepares a spinning rod for fishing, then in reality he is the master of his fate!
