Not so long ago, three-dimensional cinema, or, as it is also called, "3D cinema", came to Russia. A whole generation of citizens may be surprised at some "miracle", not to mention entire regions that have never heard of stereo cinemas.

The era of three-dimensional film is associated with the introduction of new technologies in the demonstration and filming process of filming a film.
Six Steps to Create a 3D Image
1. To shoot a movie in 3D dimension, you need a crane, for example, Quasar from ElementTechnica is suitable. Also, the presence of a pair of Thompson Viper FilmStream cameras will allow you to feel free to feel like a professional filming in three dimensions.
2. As for the film crew, even here you cannot do without a team of professionals, which will include a stereographer (a specialist in three-dimensional imaging), as well as a team that knows how to use the crane for its intended purpose.
3. Lighting. Shooting a movie in 3D requires a special approach to the lighting of the set. With the right lighting, it will be possible to bring the object to the fore, or make it blend in with the entire external background in advance.
4. It is very difficult to shoot dynamic scenes in three dimensions, and even static film plots often require professional and careful direction, thus neglecting the very impressive dimensions of the crane and its weight.
5. The finest balance is the most basic rule when shooting a 3D film. Sensory overload, which can often cause damage to the three-dimensional image and, therefore, greatly spoil the impression of the film. Even insignificant three-dimensional effects in cinema can evoke emotions of a different nature in a person.
6. 3D films are intended to give the viewer a sense of three-dimensional, and sometimes full space, therefore, plot twists must be carefully thought out and executed, be logical, with amplification and competent application of a three-dimensional image.
Benefits of 3D cinema
3D image allows you to do things that cannot be done with other means and devices. For example, to create a three-dimensional image, thereby making the movie the most exciting and real. It also becomes possible to emphasize the necessary plot moves.
3D cinema has a lot in common with a regular image film, however, in 3D it is necessary to apply many specific effects. Of course, the result does not always exceed expectations; often everything works as required or would like. You need to be choosy about shooting a 3D film and more than inventive.