Many people think that striptease is a "strip dance". Undressing, of course, is an integral part of striptease, but not the main one. Striptease is a kind of game, flirting, body liberation. To undress, slightly dancing, is boring, and it is unlikely that it will turn a man on. Today we will learn to dance a quality striptease. Follow our step by step instructions.

Step 1
Learn a few basic striptease dance moves. Rotate your hips. Stand on both legs, transfer your body weight to one leg, and put the other slightly forward. This pose gives a clearer contour of the hip curve, let your partner appreciate you. Now begin to rotate the thigh of the leg that is in front. You can repeat to yourself: "To yourself - to the side - from yourself - in the other direction" and so on in a circle.
Step 2
Use a chair in your dance, preferably with a back. Sit on a chair with your feet on the floor, rest your hands on your knees, while keeping your back straight. Catch your partner's eye and start mesmerizing. Spread your legs sharply, leave your hands on your knees. Simultaneously with the movement of your legs, bend your back in the lower back.
Step 3
Learn to squat beautifully. To begin with, practice near the wall, in this part of the dance it is important that your back is straight, in no case do not slouch. Lean against the wall and begin to slowly slide down it, while your legs should be slightly apart. Sitting down, spread your knees wide with your hands. Then start getting up. First, straighten your legs, go up, bend forward. Remember, the legs are extended first, then the torso rises.
Step 4
Choose the music you are going to dance to. The music should turn you on first, and you will turn your partner on with your dance. Follow the music and don't get lost in rhythm. It will be better if you dance to tunes you know well.
Step 5
Choose your look. Who will you be doing striptease? A vamp woman, a nurse, or just a professional stripper? When choosing clothes, remember that they should be easily and quickly removed so that you do not have to fiddle with fasteners.
Step 6
Don't forget about hair and makeup, as well as high heels. Everything must be flawless.
Step 7
Flirt with your partner, make eyes at him, tease and seduce him. And follow the gaze, it must be the gaze of a predator, look him straight in the eyes.
Step 8
While dancing, imagine yourself as a cat, all movements should be smooth and inviting. Good luck!