How To Get Berserker Stance

How To Get Berserker Stance
How To Get Berserker Stance

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World of Warcraft is the most popular MMO game on the planet with over ten million loyal subscribers. One of the reasons for such popularity is the mass of options for character development and receiving various kinds of bonuses and improvements. For example, quests for obtaining character "stances" - passive skills that give significant bonuses, are extremely popular.

How to get berserker stance
How to get berserker stance


Step 1

Create a warrior character. You can choose a class on the start screen immediately after choosing a race. In this case, it does not matter whether your hero will play for the Horde or the Alliance, the task is common for both races.

Step 2

Reach level 30. As long as your character is not strong enough to cope with the task, the quest will be blocked and will not indicate its existence in any way. You can get a level by killing neutral opponents or by completing other tasks scattered around the map.

Step 3

If you are playing for the Alliance, go to Stormwind to a warrior mentor named Wu Shen. When playing for the Horde, this quest is also awarded by the master. Sorek in Ogrimar will help you. In both cases, you will receive a task: go to the steppe and find an NPC named Clannock there.

Step 4

After talking with Clannock, go to the island that he will show you. Highlight the quest as "active" and the position of the island will be marked on the minimap - just follow the marker.

Step 5

Upon arrival, talk to the girl the target is pointing to. She will tell you to take a seat in the circle in the courtyard of her house.

Step 6

The quest itself consists in the fact that in a certain time you must overcome all the fighters who will volunteer to fight you. First, 5 people from the surrounding crowd will come out to you (they are not too dangerous opponents), then - the "boss", which can be quite problematic to defeat. The methods of fighting depend only on what qualities of the character you developed. In any case, try to apply the maximum number of positive effects to yourself during the battle, because the time constraint imposes a significant framework.

Step 7

If you failed to win the first time, nothing prevents you from trying again. In addition, you can make it much easier for yourself to complete the quest if you take it a few levels later - as a level 35-40 hero.

Step 8

After winning the ring, the marker will indicate to you the character to which you need to approach to hand over the task.
