The theory, described by Leonard da Vinci, says that by mixing three basic colors (red, blue and yellow), you can get all the other colors. However, according to this conclusion, the primary colors themselves cannot be obtained by mixing other colors. But if you approach this issue from a practical point of view, it turns out that ready-made paint is not always used to give a red color. In typographic printing, red is produced by mixing the two. For dyeing textiles, pigments extracted from plants are used. And even artists prefer to mix several colors for a more accurate shade of red.

Step 1
Typographic printing is based on subtractive color synthesis (or CMYK color model). All the variety of colors in this color model is obtained by combining four basic colors: cyan, yellow, magenta and black. The red color on the print of the press is obtained when two main process colors are superimposed - magenta (magenta) and yellow. The same method can be used, for example, when creating color prints. With these two printing inks available, you can get red and even some of its shades on paper. In places where two colors overlap (when printing from different printing plates), the drawing turns red.
Step 2
By adjusting the ratio of colors in the direction of increasing the amount of one of them, you can get shades of red from cold purple to warm orange-red. The CMYK system is also the basis for the work of color printers. This color model is also used for professional color matching of paints based on special pigments (when painting cars, decorating facades and interiors of buildings, in the textile industry).
Step 3
To get a red color on fabric or yarn, they can be dyed with natural red pigment obtained from flowers of St. John's wort, safflower, madder roots and northern bedstraw (or natural). Boil the crushed parts of plants in water and boil fabric or yarn in the resulting broth for an hour. Pre-pickle the wool in a solution of potassium alum.
Step 4
From the flowers of the bedstraw, you can get a paint that stains various materials in a bright red color. To do this, boil dried flowers crushed into powder for 30 minutes with the addition of alum. Vegetable red dye can be obtained by evaporation to a thick residue of decoctions of St. John's wort and safflower flowers. From orange lichen (wall gold) cherry paint is obtained. To do this, grind the lichen and fill it with a solution of caustic potassium or baking soda. After three minutes, the paint is ready.
Step 5
Red is quite common in nature. Therefore, different shades of red are often named after their natural owners: berries, fruits, minerals and flowers. Raspberry, cherry, pomegranate, ruby, terracotta, pink, coral, blood red, scarlet, wine, burgundy, burgundy - all these colors make up the red range. To obtain many red shades in painting, paints are used based on different red pigments, giving either warm or cold shades. Cool quinacridone purple or red (ruby red), warm light cadmium red, burnt orange-red sienna and natural sienna - these colors are best used in various combinations to obtain many shades of red.