How To Learn To Play Warhammer

How To Learn To Play Warhammer
How To Learn To Play Warhammer

Video: How To Learn To Play Warhammer

Video: How To Learn To Play Warhammer
Video: How to Play Warhammer 40k 9th Edition for Beginners 2024, December

How to learn to play Warhammer 40,000? Where to start and what lies ahead?

How to learn to play Warhammer
How to learn to play Warhammer

Briefly about Warhammer

First you need to choose the race for which you prefer to play. Then buy the first set and start assembling and painting the first model.

It is necessary to apply a primer to a well-finished and smooth model. And then paint, apply pouring (liquid paint, so that it flows into the recesses, so that it is pretty ^^).

Once everything is done, you will need to buy the rules of the game and the race code.

Now you need to make a roster (a list of your army's units). It is advisable to think it over in advance, initially counting on 750 points according to the standard rules.

Everything. With the army, everything is ready, you can still give them names, decorate the stand beautifully, make more models with other options for poses. But! It is not necessary to display what the soldiers already have as a standard, but if they have a special weapon, then if you please display it … True, the box may not contain what you need, which means that you will have to buy more - this is a trick!

Now directly to the rules.

You need to read the entire book so that you don't run around and check for exceptions and inaccuracies later. It is advisable to have a reduced book, where only the rules and there is no history and description of the fictional universe.

You can write out all the values in advance, etc.

Be sure to have an inch tape measure, a lot of cubes, special templates and a piece of paper with a pen.

It will not be easy to memorize the rules, but after 2 games I already calmly used the acquired knowledge.

There are a lot of paint options and tips on the Internet. Then you can go to the club and play with plastic armies.

That's all you need to know in a nutshell;)
