With the help of a crossword puzzle, you can practically while away your time, make your mind work actively, develop logical thinking, memory, attention. But if you are tired of constantly repeating questions and you have memorized the name of the highest mountain and the deepest depression, then proceed to solving number problems, Sudoku.

It's funny, but Sudoku, which has such a striking "Japanese" name, was born in the United States of America at the end of the last century and only a few years later reached the borders of Japan. In 2004, Sudoku first appeared on the pages of the print media, and very soon it became possible to find these unique crosswords in the public domain on the Internet.
American Puzzle
So what exactly is Sudoku? This is a figure measuring 9 by 9 squares, each of which, in turn, contains 3 by 3 cells. Some of them contain digits with a value from 1 to 9, inclusive. The player's task is to fill in the remaining empty cells, but do it so that in the rows and columns of the original figure, as well as inside each of the given mini-squares, the numbers in no case repeat. This is where the player will need logic and reasoning.
Types of Sudoku
Depending on how many original cells filled at the beginning are offered to the player, Sudoku is divided into difficulty levels. That is, the most difficult Sudoku has the minimum number of non-empty cells. It is also necessary to remember that any crossword of this kind has only one answer.
Sometimes situations arise when a game participant has to literally guess the values in the cells and only then check the correctness of the result, which is why, when starting the puzzle, it is recommended to stock up on an eraser and a pencil or sit comfortably in front of the screen of your monitor. Today, a huge number of specialized resources offer similar games of any desired level of difficulty. When you turn on the game, the program will give you a combination of numbers in the cells, which you can no longer delete or change yourself, these are the so-called "key symbols", which you will rely on in the future, filling in empty cells. The most difficult variant of the game may involve a 16 by 16 squares lining.
Tricks of the winners
When starting the game, it is necessary to carefully look around the field and identify that square, that row or that column in which there will be the minimum number of empty, unfilled cells. The success of the whole game will depend on whether you can navigate in three directions at once: take into account the rows and columns of the large square and the contents of the small ones.
Despite all the seeming simplicity, these puzzles are usually so entertaining that, having started them, you can no longer tear yourself away from the numbers and cells until the entire field of the game is filled.