When you play a computer game, plot twists or even exciting new stories are likely to come to your mind. If this is the case and your imagination easily soars in the sky-high depths of computer fantasies, do not delay - create your own 3D game.

Step 1
First, choose in which genre the author's game will be written. Study the most popular genres of computer games. These include shooting games, real-time strategy, action, arcade, adventure, real-time simulation, racing. Choose the genre that you like best, is more attractive and in which stories are easier to come up with. It is with this genre that you should start.
Step 2
The genre was determined, you need to write a script. For a 3D game, the scenario consists of three main parts: the concept document, the design and the actual scenario: - the concept document. This document describes the technical aspects of the game;
- design. This section describes all the visual effects, menus, what type of graphics will be used;
- script. This is a detailed description of the plot, all its twists and turns, heroes, the main highlight of the game. In this case, you may need the help of friends to make the game more varied and interesting.
Step 3
Estimate the technical and artistic difficulty of the future game. How many characters, special effects, how dynamic the plot will be, how much graphics, whether there will be artificial intelligence, destruction and other components. It depends on which engine you choose for the game. For the first experience, especially if the game is simple enough, stop at the FPS Creator. This engine is very nice and simple and will be a great training ground for aspiring writers. If you are familiar with more complex programming, choose NeoAxis Engine. On the basis of this engine, you can write a game of any complexity and any genre.
Step 4
For example, you settled on the NeoAxis motor. It can be downloaded from the Internet. Now it's the turn of the game resources. You need models, sounds and textures. They can also be downloaded from the net.
Step 5
Now came the final stage of creating the game. In the event that you are fluent in programming languages - you will add it yourself, if not - it's time to contact a programmer.