A rebus is a kind of riddle where the hidden word is represented by various pictures combined with letters and numbers. Rebus teaches children to think outside the box, train memory and logic. This is a very exciting activity! You can come up with puzzles with your child, and our recommendations will help you do this.

Step 1
First of all, remember the basic rules for solving puzzles. The commas in front of the picture indicate how many letters you need to remove at the beginning of the hidden word. If the commas are behind the picture, the letters must be removed at the end of the word. If a letter is crossed out, it must be completely removed from the word. If the picture is upside down, then the word should be read in reverse. To encrypt parts of a word that are consonant with the pronunciation of numbers and numbers, their graphical representations are used, for example, "100yanka" (the word "parking").
Step 2
The first puzzles made by the child will be very simple. For example, show how you can encrypt the word "family" in a rebus: write the letter "I" seven times, this will be the word "family".
Step 3
Tell your child that the same word can be encrypted in a puzzle in different ways. For example, the word "basement". This can be the variant "po2l", and the letters "wa" written above the line, under which there is the letter "l".
Step 4
The process of coming up with a rebus can be a real interactive activity for a child who is already familiar with letters. Prepare white paper, felt-tip pens or colored pencils, cutouts from old magazines, PVA glue. For example, make a puzzle with the word “fork”. For him you need pictures with the image of cherries and squirrels.
Step 5
Paste the picture with cherries with glue, draw three commas with a black felt-tip pen to the right of the picture. This means that at the end of the hidden word, you need to remove three letters. To the right, paste a picture with a squirrel, in front of which draw two commas with a felt-tip pen. The rebus is ready! The word "fork" is encrypted in it.
Step 6
By the same principle, you can make puzzles for schoolchildren, even for senior students. In this case, the puzzles will become a colorful and memorable visual aid that helps to assimilate the educational material.